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I don't know. I mean the girl wouldn't really feel much, And he'd end up with a dry orgasm anyways.
Most teen girls actually start masturbating with only one finger so his dick would be about what she was used to.. it's more of an emotional thing from what I understand
Doesn't need to have a big dick for a girl to feel pleasure; their most sensitive part (the clitoris) is right on the entrance to the vagina, and all the area around it and around the entrance is sensitive. Women are much more sensitive than men on their erogenous parts.

I once saw a news on Facebook of a female middle school teacher who was discovered to be having sex with one of her students in the school almost every day for the period of six months! The boy was a young teen (13 or 14 y.o.). She was then fired and reported to the police. I don't know/don't remember what happened to her, but the boy said that the initiative didn't come from her, it was him who seduced and asked her out, and she, surprisingly, agreed (yeah, lucky bastard). There are a few women that actually likes and feel aroused by little/young boys, and even feel pleasure with sex with them, even with a small dick. The boy in this image seems younger (12 or less), but an erect dick of a 12 y.o. boy isn't much different from a 13-14 y.o. It isn't that small. My erect dick when I was at his age was certainly bigger than my middle finger now as an adult.

Another true story: my friend once sent me a screenshot of a bio of a 25 y.o. female on Tinder (dating app, for those who don't know it) that said: "I'm looking for a man with a tiny dick (10cm or less). I don't like men with big dick, because it hurts my womb. Do not insist! I only like small dick. Big dick, press X.
P.S. I like small dick to do deep throat and suck up to the balls."

Yes, 10cm (4''). True story.

@Arknovalisk, doesn't need to have an orgasm to feel pleasure. Wouldn't you feel good if a woman rubbed her ass against your dick, even over the clothes? I myself had a couple sexual experiences when I was a boy/teen without orgasm and they felt really good.

@BaldurAnthology, it isn't emotional, it's actually physical.
Thorcsf said:
Doesn't need to have a big dick for a girl to feel pleasure; their most sensitive part (the clitoris) is right on the entrance to the vagina, and all the area around it and around the entrance is sensitive. Women are much more sensitive than men on their erogenous parts.

I once saw a news on Facebook of a female middle school teacher who was discovered to be having sex with one of her students in the school almost every day for the period of six months! The boy was a young teen (13 or 14 y.o.). She was then fired and reported to the police. I don't know/don't remember what happened to her, but the boy said that the initiative didn't come from her, it was him who seduced and asked her out, and she, surprisingly, agreed (yeah, luck bastard). There are a few women that actually likes and feel aroused by little/young boys, and even feel pleasure with sex with them, even with a small dick. The boy in this image seems younger (12 or less), but an erect dick of a 12 y.o. boy isn't much different from a 13-14 y.o. It isn't that small. My erect dick when I was at his age was certainly bigger than my middle finger now as an adult.

Another true story: my friend once sent me a screenshot of a bio of a 25 y.o. female on Tinder (dating app, for those who don't know it) that said: "I'm looking for a man with a tiny dick (10cm or less). I don't like men with big dick, because it hurts my womb. Do not insist! I only like small dick. Big dick, press X.
P.S. I like small dick to do deep throat and suck up to the balls."

Yes, 10cm (4''). True story.

@Arknovalisk, doesn't need to have an orgasm to feel pleasure. Wouldn't you feel good if a woman rubbed her ass against your dick, even over the clothes? I myself had a couple sexual experiences when I was a boy/teen without orgasm and they felt really good.

@BaldurAnthology, it isn't emotional, it's actually physical.
that does not mean it isn't emotional as well..