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futanari genshin_impact luminyu naked nipples shenhe uncensored

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Thanks to uBlock extension I can hide stuff from my feed :V
Who flags a nude pic for deletion on a hentai board for being "Very inappropriate"?

Also please remember to tag at least the artist and RATE the picture correctly! Genitals showing means it's explicit from what someone told me
can we get this unflagged? Who the hell flags something as "very inappropriate"?
Flagging is stupid, there's blacklist feature for a reason.
That said, I really wish there was negative scoring too, and we could blacklist posts with negative score - I'm pretty sure that could lead some to avoid posts like these too as well.
There's nothing wrong with this post I don't know what you're so negative about.

If you don't like futa or bigger characters, blacklist futanari and don't comment on it. We don't need to see you just saying that a character is awful because they're fat or because they got a dick or something
I think it was a nice proposal. You just know some pictures like these (as well as I'm sure there might be a few that I like as well) would land in negative score land.
On the other hand YOU don't get to control other users' freedom of expressing their opinion.
Arknovalisk said:
That said, I really wish there was negative scoring too, and we could blacklist posts with negative score - I'm pretty sure that could lead some to avoid posts like these too as well.
A "thumbs down" or negative score function is discouraged and unwelcomed, because it would depreciate and discourage artists and uploaders to create/share works they like. That's why all arts networks and social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pixiv, DeviantArt, etc., don't have such a feature. If you don't like something, simply don't upvote/bookmark or comment on it; heck, simply don't open it in the first place. And, as BaldurAnthology said, that's why the blacklist function exists.