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Source have a non-nude variant ~
If that's the one you like, you can post it.
The point is you have to source the correct thing. If it's the nude variant from patreon that's fine just say it's from patreon or leave it blank...
Genex said:
If that's the one you like, you can post it.
Nah I don't think it's worth it anyway, just wanted to mention it is since some other users may be interested
BaldurAnthology said:
The point is you have to source the correct thing. If it's the nude variant from patreon that's fine just say it's from patreon or leave it blank...
Right. I usually post the exact image link. I'll correct it when I get to my laptops.
BaldurAnthology said:
The point is you have to source the correct thing. If it's the nude variant from patreon that's fine just say it's from patreon or leave it blank...
I just checked my post and I did paste the correct image link in the source field when I posted and it's still there, but gives a 403 error if pasted in a browser. Yandere then supplies a link to the general page with the two variations under the Statistics heading which I'm pretty sure Marona762 clicked on. Nothing I can do about that as far as I know.
I think the 403 error when pasted directly is because pixiv requires an account for viewing full size images so this way they prevent any direct access. Pasting in the browser works after you've clicked on the image from it's general page though.

Anyways, Marona762 replies looks like they just wanted to give an fyi for people who want to see a non-nude variant since it's not posted here, not implying that the link was an incorrect source.
TagMeMeMe! said:
I think the 403 error when pasted directly is because pixiv requires an account for viewing full size images so this way they prevent any direct access. Pasting in the browser works after you've clicked on the image from it's general page though.
Thanks for clearing that up. I'm following a rule that image variants have to be sourced to the corresponding image link and not just the Pixiv page.
Genex said:
I'm following a rule that image variants have to be sourced to the corresponding image link and not just the Pixiv page.
Never heard of such rule. I do know that a few people here post the direct link to the image file on Pixiv, but I honestly don't see the need for that. Moreover, if you try to click on that link from the post history page here on, or copy/paste the link to the browser, it will return a "403 Forbidden" page anyway, as you said yourself, so it's really useless to use that link. Only if you click on it from the post page here on, it will redirect to the original post page on Pixiv, so why not simply use the page link in the first place? The purpose of the source field is to inform people where the posted image came from, so they can know where to find more, who the artist is, and where to find them; and the link to the Pixiv page serves that purpose. In my posts here from Pixiv I always put the link to the Pixiv page in the source field, never the direct link to the image file, and no one ever said anything, nor tried to changed the link. Moreover, that behavior of putting the direct link to the image file from Pixiv, encourages people to do that for images from other sites as well, but doesn't offer support to redirect the click on the direct image file link to the original page where that image file came from for other sites; only do that for Pixiv. So when people put the direct image file link from other sites in the source field, what will happen is the same result of when you click on "Download larger version", i.e., it will just open the original image file in the browser's tab, it will not serve the purpose of the source field, which is to show/inform people where that image came from (from which page), where to find more, who the artist/company is, and where to find them. I've seen people do that many times here. It's useless to put the direct image file link in the source field if it's not from Pixiv.
Thorcsf said:
Never heard of such rule. I do know that a few people here post the direct link to the image file on Pixiv, but I honestly don't see the need for that. Moreover, if you try to click on that link from the post history page here on, or copy/paste the link to the browser, it will return a "403 Forbidden" page anyway, as you said yourself, so it's really useless to use that link. Only if you click on it from the post page here on, it will redirect to the original post page on Pixiv, so why not simply use the page link in the first place? The purpose of the source field is to inform people where that image came from, so they can know where to find more, who the artist is, and where to find them; and the link to the Pixiv page serves that purpose. In my posts here from Pixiv I always put the link to the Pixiv page in the source field, never the direct link to the image file, and no one ever said anything, nor tried to changed the link. Moreover, that behavior of putting the direct link to the image file from Pixiv, encourages people to do that for images from other sites as well, but doesn't offer support to redirect the click on the direct image file link to the original page where that image file came from for other sites; only do that for Pixiv. So when people put the direct image file link from other sites in the source field, what will happen is the same result of when you click on "Download larger version", i.e., it will just open the original image file in the browser's tab, it will not serve the purpose of the source field, which is to show/inform people where that image came from (from which page), where to find more, who the artist/company is, and where to find them. I've seen people do that many times here. It's useless to put the direct image file link in the source field if it's not from Pixiv.
AFAIK, the rule for direct image link (at least for Pixiv images) has been in place for years, before my registration as a user here. However, those can't be traced back to their original web page (e.g. twitter images) are exempted from this rule.