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That's weird

If you look at the image description from the source:

The artist wrote in big capital letters "DO NOT REPOST"

However, if you go the other source from the artist's twitter:

He doesn't say to not repost, so I guess it's fine to repost if you pick it from his Twitter.... ? ^^
Does it matter tons of arts have the same warnings from the Artist to not repost for years now. This isn't the first and shouldn't be surprising. Why you making it a big deal
I get the feeling they just like seeing their name here... they comment a lot.
owo I didn't know my pronoun was they/them lol ~
BaldurAnthology said:
I get the feeling they just like seeing their name here... they comment a lot.
The whole point of the comments section is to comment. It would be a waste if we didn't use it.
otakusheep said:
The whole point of the comments section is to comment. It would be a waste if we didn't use it.
Never said they didn't have to comment :P Just didn't feel that it was necessary to point out that pictures had warnings to not repost... if they felt the image should be deleted then flag it? IDK.

Marona762 said:
owo I didn't know my pronoun was they/them lol ~
When in doubt I don't assume gender. "They/Them" is a perfectly acceptable way to refer to someone in the third person and has been LONG before people started to try and use it as a politically correct way to refer to trans people or non gendered people etc.
BaldurAnthology said:
Never said they didn't have to comment :P Just didn't feel that it was necessary to point out that pictures had warnings to not repost... if they felt the image should be deleted then flag it? IDK.
My comment wasn't really about the source of the image having a big "No repost" in it but rather the inconsistency of the artist posting the same picture in his Twitter account without any "No repost" label.

BaldurAnthology said:
When in doubt I don't assume gender. "They/Them" is a perfectly acceptable way to refer to someone in the third person and has been LONG before people started to try and use it as a politically correct way to refer to trans people or non gendered people etc.
Meh when in doubt I just call the person by it's username :D
Talking about artist request, post #936493 was flagged by artist itself and in the comment section.
BaldurAnthology said:
Never said they didn't have to comment :P Just didn't feel that it was necessary to point out that pictures had warnings to not repost... if they felt the image should be deleted then flag it? IDK.
The comment:
"I get the feeling they just like seeing their name here... they comment a lot."

Says differently...