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cattleya kaneko_hiraku megane queen's_blade

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I'm strongly considering adding cattleya to my blacklist...

Trouble is some of the other girls are nice and that would likely result in me missing some otherwise good images.
Isn't she the ugly one from that old wallpaper? D:
I know it's her, but you were a bit vague about which particular wallpaper you meant (although I was fairly sure you meant this one).
Haha... Got it, sorry xP Eek!
Cattleya should be a fault tag on its own.
syaoran-kun said:
Cattleya should be a fault tag on its own.
In your opinion, there are quite a few people, including me, who like her but if feel the need to blacklist her go ahead she doesn't appear with that many character so you want be missing anything
I have a broad range of tastes but even I can't look at her without feeling somewhat nauseous.
Radiosity said:
I have a broad range of tastes but even I can't look at her without feeling somewhat nauseous.
then don't, not that I'm trying to devalue your opinion but it not like anyone's exactly force you to look at something that deasn't appeal to you
Radiosity said:
No need to be so serious.
sorry, I'm just a big cattleya fan, don't get me wrong though, I thought she look hideous in that megami pic, but I love her other pics.
Again sorry, I just other a counter argument.