Date Sep 6, 2010 User fireattack Rating Safe Score 4
i thought the artist was "dr vermillion"
that crazed expression on her face is kind of cool
aurica said:
that crazed expression on her face is kind of cool
She needs some love to blow off her sex steam!
FreedomOtaku said:
What a big hole!
I'm so cool when I see this
What's those things wrapped around her boobs? It looks painful...
bad girl,u need to be punished!
Date Jun 3, 2012 User felutia Rating Safe Score 27
Beautiful and artistic. The face needed more work, thou'.
siba2nd said:
more fleur please XD
Date Jun 3, 2012 User Radioactive Rating Questionable Score 47
Date May 28, 2012 User fireattack Rating Questionable Score 80
Is it suitable to tag"cameltoe" into this art?
Love to admire Hitoshi's arts!Better to remove the words on it