Date Jun 2, 2012 User blooregardo Rating Safe Score 174
This artist keeps bringing more awesome stuff!
Hagure's stuff has always been awesome :D
Nice pic, but I think the iPod is a bit out of place.
skyrender said:
Hagure's stuff has always been awesome :D
agreed (‘∀’●)
This guy is my new favorite artist.. his works were awesome as always..
one is not enough, Katherine.
Date Jun 2, 2012 User blooregardo Rating Questionable Score 58
oOPenginOo said:
Pedobear is watching her :o
Lmao I JUST noticed the bear on the right corner of the screen! Omg ...
oOPenginOo said:
Pedobear is watching her :o
... watching HIM: it's a trap. Look at the others pictures made by Yuki18r on or Gelbooru to watch the entire story.
Trit said:
... watching HIM: it's a trap. Look at the others pictures made by Yuki18r on or Gelbooru to watch the entire story.
You´re right:D I didn´t see the tag trap^^
Date Jun 2, 2012 User shizukane Rating Safe Score 55
Maybe she doesn't need a cellphone.
The hair's color is lavender>>>That's my favourite~
raw scan image very bad.
Therefore, it reduced so that roughness might not be conspicuous.
In addition, a Neat Image is used for compensation.

I will need your help, if there are those who can rectify better.
Thank you for the advice.
However, I hardly understands English.

Moreover, since the persons who scanned are others, I can do only compensation.
You may post the raw file then I would see if I could do some help.
Date May 26, 2012 User blooregardo Rating Questionable Score 131
Something tells me she's not gonna ear that carrott...
Date Jan 29, 2008 User Lore Rating Questionable Score 82 Hidden 3
Radioactive said:
UTK said:
Why do they insist on drawing the rack bigger than it originaly is? It's not like it's an improvement.
I know. But look at how popular this image is...
Nudity = more vote. Just look at the popular by month and ever and look at the preceeding months. It's all the same.
Ero material will always be more popular.

We need more people willing to upload Safe, and Questionable, material.
Radioactive said:
I know. But look at how popular this image is...
I agree. When I saw this image, I was like "Who's this?". I think the increment of bust only makes Horo loose her 'innocent and pure' feeling.
Horo pure? Maybe. Innocent? Hell, no! (Though she like to play at being so to get Lawrence all flustered from time to time.)

But yeah, put me up for the "keep the breast size consistent, please" club.
her eyes are usually red-violet..
Is this really Horo? Breasts too big, eye color wrong...
Date Oct 23, 2010 User petopeto Rating Questionable Score 34
Looks like Maka from Soul Eater
Is there a tag for nipples that are ugly as hell?