Date Aug 28, 2011 User Communist Rating Safe Score 17
...Someone get that tail out of here...
choux said:
...Someone get that tail out of here...
Though the tail looks like Madoka's, but it is not in fact. Kyuubii stands behind Madoka's foot and make its tail up.

By the way, why Madoka is holding Homura's glasses?
ikyo said:
By the way, why Madoka is holding Homura's glasses?
Somehow looks like a wedding.
ikyo said:
Though the tail looks like Madoka's, but it is not in fact. Kyuubii stands behind Madoka's foot and make its tail up.
I know. It's just that everytime I look at it, I get the feeling that QB is actually under her skirt, and only his tail is sticking out...
Date Aug 27, 2011 User Radioactive Rating Questionable Score 189
there's no way the water still remains between her pussy while there is a hole (gap) on it.
that's not a hole/gap... that's the sweet spot
Delicious. I actually feel thirsty.
Date Oct 4, 2010 User blooregardo Rating Explicit Score 381 Hidden 1
blooregardo said:
OMG lens flare!!
First thing that came to my mind.
the lens flare effect in photoshop looks slightly different, this is either not done with photoshop or then the lens flare is just not made the usual way
tony taka rules!!!
Amo su trabajo
I am pretty sure it's not an automated filter .. and if it is.. then it's not a stock filter
i do this kind of lens flare all the time, i have the transparencies layers all ordered up and just play whit them, they look more natural that the automated ones
Date Aug 6, 2011 User SubaruSumeragi Rating Safe Score 46
Tags kashiwa
Wow, this looks beautiful. Do you know the artists name?
Or his Pixiv?
Animepaper says it's by "Kashiwa", but I don't know if the artist is already tagged here as an alias. "Kashiwa" doesn't exist here at least.
What a beautiful style. I'd like to see more from this artist!
Date Aug 29, 2011 User SubaruSumeragi Rating Safe Score 9
it should come more Chinatsu-chan for her cuteness, showing in ep.7 in which the date scene with Kyoko-chan, be recognized by more persons. and the seiyu of her is really great.
I prefer Kyouko-Ayano to Kyouko-Chinatsu
for couple, Yui-Kyo is the best in my mind.
wow Kuena is the queen/king of chibis!
Date Aug 29, 2011 User Brufh Rating Safe Score 1
Hm.. is that a Leeksaber o.O
Chrissues said:
Hm.. is that a Leeksaber o.O
If you look close you can see that it's that vegetable she usually carys, but in a Lightsaber mode lol.
Date Aug 29, 2011 User Brufh Rating Questionable Score 28
Does this count has Paizuri o.O? lol
Date Aug 29, 2011 User Brufh Rating Questionable Score 25
The only word i can think of is, Kawaii \(^_^)/
Date Feb 11, 2011 User BunnyGirls Rating Explicit Score 61
sdfsdf2323 said:
You need to clarify.
No, actually that's wrong, it should be .......... well........ three letter word, or maybe five letters......... If you can't figure it out, I won't spell it out for you.
oldwrench said:
No, actually that's wrong, it should be .......... well........ three letter word, or maybe five letters......... If you can't figure it out, I won't spell it out for you.
Date Aug 29, 2011 User Radioactive Rating Safe Score 12
I Don't get it is she a slime and she is melting?
or she is made of vanilla ice cream?
Im kinda craving for ice cream now.