Date May 16 User BattlequeenYume Rating Questionable Score 19
Pretty sure she is Northampton II.
Date May 16 User BattlequeenYume Rating Questionable Score 37
biggest thigh gap ever
Date Apr 23 User BattlequeenYume Rating Safe Score 19
Just for funsies, I thought I'd take a stab at editing the image so she's bottomless! If I have my knowledge of school swimsuits correct, she's wearing one of those ones where the bottom is a separate piece.
billyboy12 said:
Just for funsies, I thought I'd take a stab at editing the image so she's bottomless! If I have my knowledge of school swimsuits correct, she's wearing one of those ones where the bottom is a separate piece.
This is true for those from the older designs, but they become a one-piece design during recent years, like the ones depicted in post #1169340.
moonian said:
This is true for those from the older designs, but they become a one-piece design during recent years, like the ones depicted in post #1169340.
Yeah, it seems like this is the type I was thinking of. From what I've heard, the 2-piece style ones haven't been used in DECADES, so it makes you wonder why they're still so common in new media. Are all the artists middle-aged guys who are fondly remembering their youth?
Date May 15 User KenB Rating Safe Score 17
Those test sheets have more detail in them than all the characters and scenery combined. Artist even gave them different handwriting styles.
I want to plug it in so bad, I need help.
Date May 15 User moonian Rating Questionable Score 18
I feel there's a lot behind this picture.
"character dolls" describes the shipgirls, would "chibi" be close?
Date May 14 User Sherbakun Rating Questionable Score 7
Marona762 said:
Not thicc enough :\