Date Sep 23, 2007 User Radioactive Rating Safe Score 0
I'm pretty sure it's form some F-ism CD.
Date Aug 1, 2007 User vita Rating Questionable Score 1
Looks like a badly resized scan o_o
this pic cannot open, could u upload againe?
re-uploaded. see post 8280
I like where this is going..
Nanako is, indeed, superior (and so are white swimsuits).
I believe this is a dupe of
They have the same resolution, but the other is PNG, and this is JPG.
this one has the fold photoshopped out
Ah you're right. Sorry 'bout that.
Are these stick posters drawn by a group of artists? I see different artist names at the bottom, this one's Tasuku Iizuki.
Date Aug 25, 2007 User milksakura Rating Questionable Score 24
True. But 7113 is much larger though has a line in the center of it. 7167 however should be removed I think, as it appears to be an inferior version.
Date Sep 17, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 34
The source is pretty crappy, the clear stickposter had poor print quality.
Date Sep 15, 2007 User vita Rating Safe Score 0
not as badly compressed as 7255
Date Sep 15, 2007 User vita Rating Questionable Score 79
ah finally the real version
replacing inferior version 7052
..I still can't delete my own images
I deleted them for you, no idea what's up with you not being able to delete your own images.
its still buggy for some reason, the actual delete button doesn't work on the sidebar but if you flag it then go in to moderate posts you can delete it.