Date Dec 5, 2007 User Shamensyth Rating Questionable Score 10
Date Dec 5, 2007 User Shamensyth Rating Safe Score 28
We needed her on that outfit...
Date Dec 4, 2007 User Radioactive Rating Safe Score 35
She looks liek a doll to me.
Nanako loss her chance with Sakurai, just I hope that dude choose Yume in the end... no childhood friend please..
The manga has main char "winning" Nanaka. The boss of Circus (I met him twice at Anime Expo) likes Koko the most (judging from the comment he left on his signature). I haven't been following the anime but judging from the first couple of eps it'll end with Koko?
lacel said:
the style seems really alike, anyhow, really appreciate you!
Uh oh, who let the penis monster out of it's cage? Lock it back up! ... wait.. not right away... let's watch for a little while.
admin2 said:
Its not coming back, I'll be merging the missing images in to moe in the near future
Think you could tell us the reason it got shutdown?
Was it cuz to much bw was being used? or people abusing it by uploading other crap?
Kamisama said:
Think you could tell us the reason it got shutdown?
Was it cuz to much bw was being used? or people abusing it by uploading other crap?
Low-res crap images mainly. There were some *good* images on it, but not enough IMHO
That's why rules exist.... have a min standard on what you can this case: quality and resolution.
Date Nov 30, 2007 User vita Rating Questionable Score 55
Beautiful picture... I guess I really fall for this girl.
She looks really good on this pic
Date Oct 8, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 7
Very nice there admin2. I love Tinkel's work ^_^ The scan quality is quite nice too.
Too bad their doujins are so expensive on yahoo auctions...
Date Aug 14, 2006 User boon Rating Safe Score 5 Hidden 4
over 17 years ago
Report Boon? LOL!
over 17 years ago
If you don't want to be posted elsewhere don't upload it to the internet
over 17 years ago
It's because they put work into it and they want credit for their own work. At least they give credit to the creator...carnelian, megami etc.
shoot i have at least 4 of my wallpapers in the website i dont care.... you "overprotective POS" need to slow your role and realize youre not ever gonna get paid for the work you do VECTORING anime off magazines....

...and why too ppl complain so much about copyrightinfringement?? youre in this website right? everything here are just scans off of magazines whats the big deal? dont like it feck off..
wallpaper maker's name is already on the image, if that isn't enough credit, i could always remove that text.
Wonderful!!!! xD
Date Dec 3, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 1
Yikes. Look at the state of this scan...
Sorry, didn't pay attention when I uploaded, I'll see if I can clean it up...
Date Dec 3, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 11
I'm going to put any future textless ones that I find as child posts of the original if no one minds.