Date Nov 16, 2007 User admin2 Rating Questionable Score 67
Artist is Koume Keito.
Date Nov 18, 2007 User admin2 Rating Questionable Score 17
Date Nov 18, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 7
Not sure how to clean this one >_>; the original is full of reflective crap which is hell on scanners
It makes it look interesting.
Date Nov 18, 2007 User Radioactive Rating Questionable Score 60
No image? I don't have any ad blocking software installed.
I'm not sure that these B/W pages were the best thing to upload...
Date Nov 17, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 5
I REALLY hate website tags on images.
Didn't notice when I posted it, can easily photoshop it out though
Date Nov 16, 2007 User vita Rating Safe Score 21
First I say that Shana is for the win, but then Louise is too... *sigh*
Siesta in a schoolgirl uniform > *
Date Nov 16, 2007 User vita Rating Safe Score 26
Shana is for the ultimate, game-breaking win, is she not?
The Hectate clone is kinda cute...mainly because her VA is <3 <3 <3
Date Nov 16, 2007 User vita Rating Questionable Score 0
I changed the tag from Henrietta to Siesta; verified hairstyle differences with
Date Aug 14, 2006 User boon Rating Safe Score 24
Image missing?
No. The url has "/ad/" in it, so your ad blocker might be blocking it.