Jueony, I tried to get them on Amazon kindle, but my account does not allow me to buy in Japan.

jueony said:
Some of books that you wrote are already available.


スーパー・ポーズブック 手と指の表情編アドバンス・前編
(And 後編 is available too)

These were already shared here. 「エフェクト」描き方事典 is on my DL LINK LIST page 90.

And your ebookjapan links doesn't work for me.

And why are you buying those from
If you buy them in kindle format, it'd be much easier to share. I'm just curious.

And one more thing, LINE is actually a Korean app. It's interesting that it's more popular in Japan haha.
I thank you for your advice but I have already tried to buy Kindle on the Amazon Store Japanese, but as I'm registered on the European store with my Kindle, I have each time problems of conflict. Especially since I configured my software to remove DRM from Eu Amazon Store...

I will try to register on the Japanese store but my VPN do not work very well (, getflix)

I will try to see some tutorial on the internet.

It's true that it takes time to make screenshots of every page when I buy ebooks on honto and ebooskjapan.

By the way, I'm surprised that ebooksjapan has deleted all of the Super Pose books. I contacted him but they were not able to explain the exact reason. They just told me that they would contact the responsible department.

Concerning LINE, you're right, I was told it's Korean now.
I was fooled by the following source:

and the last message on Quora made me look for more informations :

Line began in 2011 as the brainchild of engineers at NHN Japan, the Japanese arm of Naver Corporation (formerly NHN) based in South Korea. Today the popular messaging service is operated by Line Corporation, a spinoff company headquartered in Japan, which still remains a subsidiary of Naver.

So the fact people think it's Japanese is because it was made with NHN engineers from Japan, we don't know if these enginners are Japanese, Chinese, Korean or any other nationalities. One sure thing is that Naver is a South Korean company.

We could somehow say that LINE Is a Koean-Japanese Application.
werkausburg said:
Stop asking for money, you have been trying to monetize this forum, if you are going to share, just share.
For your information, I already shared ebooks here.

I have already been offered to share the fees to buy new ebooks. That's why I thought well-intentioned people would be interested as well.

It is true that I was naive to share my links to receive payments. This has valued me a lifetime ban of concerned concerned.

I have not forgotten the 4 people who donate. They will be mentioned in the Excel file list.
EdenGenesis said:
Jueony, I tried to get them on Amazon kindle, but my account does not allow me to buy in Japan.

Also, I thank you for your advice but I have already tried to buy Kindle on the Amazon Store Japanese, but as I'm registered on the European store with my Kindle, I have each time problems of conflict. Especially since I configured my software to remove DRM from Eu Amazon Store...

I will try to register on the Japanese store but my VPN do not work very well (, getflix)

I will try to see some tutorial on the internet.

It's true that it takes time to make screenshots of every page when I buy ebooks on honto and ebooskjapan.

By the way, I'm surprised that ebooksjapan has deleted all of the Super Pose books. I contacted him but they were not able to explain the exact reason. They just told me that they would contact the responsible department.

Concerning LINE, you're right, I was told it's Korean now.
I was fooled by the following source:

and the last message on Quora made me look for more informations :

Line began in 2011 as the brainchild of engineers at NHN Japan, the Japanese arm of Naver Corporation (formerly NHN) based in South Korea. Today the popular messaging service is operated by Line Corporation, a spinoff company headquartered in Japan, which still remains a subsidiary of Naver.

So the fact people think it's Japanese is because it was made with NHN engineers from Japan, we don't know if these enginners are Japanese, Chinese, Korean or any other nationalities. One sure thing is that Naver is a South Korean company.

We could somehow say that LINE Is a Koean-Japanese Application.
Ok. Anyway I just wanted to make sure that you don't spend your money to buy books that were already shared. That's what I concerned most.

Again. デジタルイラストの「エフェクト」描き方事典 and スーパー・ポーズブック 手と指の表情編アドバンス・前編 were already shared.

Rest of questions were not that important.
wow!! These are actually good!! They have what I have been looking for :D Thank you so so much!!!
Thank you jueony.

It's getting more and more difficult to find tutorial ebooks in japanese on the internet. That's how I found

Of course, finding manga is somehow easy (except for the last release) but when it comes to Clip Studio or any other tutorial ebooks, we can't find anything except maybe on Baidu like you did.

If you have any premium links, don't hesitate to send them to me as I'll download and share them with free file hosting like I did before.

I renew alldebrid, megadebrid or realdebrid almost every months so it would be a pleasure for me to continue to download and share new ebooks for the community.

It takes me a lifetime to take a screenshot of each pages of the books I buy on ebooksjapan and I was surprise that ebooksjapan removed all of the スーパー・ポーズブック collection they had... now I can only buy them on

I was told about Visual Nude book which are kind of similar. I know some member who wants to share cost to purchase these collection. I found them on Amazon as well.

Do you accept payment to buy them on Amazon?
Hello! I've been lurking on this forum for years, and it's a really great resource. Thank you to everyone who's been buying and sharing books all this time.

I bought a pixel art tutorial book recently and thought I might share it, but since it's not the type of art that's shared here most of the time I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested. Because of the site I bought it from, I'll have to screenshot every page. This is the book:

If anyone is interested, I'll do my best to share it!
EdenGenesis said:
Thank you jueony.

It's getting more and more difficult to find tutorial ebooks in japanese on the internet. That's how I found

Of course, finding manga is somehow easy (except for the last release) but when it comes to Clip Studio or any other tutorial ebooks, we can't find anything except maybe on Baidu like you did.

If you have any premium links, don't hesitate to send them to me as I'll download and share them with free file hosting like I did before.

I renew alldebrid, megadebrid or realdebrid almost every months so it would be a pleasure for me to continue to download and share new ebooks for the community.

It takes me a lifetime to take a screenshot of each pages of the books I buy on ebooksjapan and I was surprise that ebooksjapan removed all of the スーパー・ポーズブック collection they had... now I can only buy them on

I was told about Visual Nude book which are kind of similar. I know some member who wants to share cost to purchase these collection. I found them on Amazon as well.

Do you accept payment to buy them on Amazon?
You mean payment for Visual Nude books?
There is no kindle version of Visual Nude book series as far as I know.

If there is no kindle version and I need to scan them, it will cost extra money and time.

I don't have a scanner and I'm using book scan service in Korea. It's basically renting a scanner. I go to the store, use their scanner and give money to them.
Usually it costs around 10,000 won(9~10$?) but if there are too many books, it will costs more. And I can't send you the real books. I can only give you the scan images.

Plus, How can you send me the payment?

If you want books that are available on kindle something like super pose books,
I might be able to help you buy them.
CowardlyMaya said:
Hello! I've been lurking on this forum for years, and it's a really great resource. Thank you to everyone who's been buying and sharing books all this time.

I bought a pixel art tutorial book recently and thought I might share it, but since it's not the type of art that's shared here most of the time I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested. Because of the site I bought it from, I'll have to screenshot every page. This is the book:

If anyone is interested, I'll do my best to share it!
It looks interesting. But isn't it possible for you to convert the kinldle to jpg/pdf with calibre?
CowardlyMaya said:
Hello! I've been lurking on this forum for years, and it's a really great resource. Thank you to everyone who's been buying and sharing books all this time.

I bought a pixel art tutorial book recently and thought I might share it, but since it's not the type of art that's shared here most of the time I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested. Because of the site I bought it from, I'll have to screenshot every page. This is the book:

If anyone is interested, I'll do my best to share it!
I can convert the file if the DRM are already removed.

I use ebooks-converter and ebooks DRM removal bundle software :

I also have ePubor :
It's ok, but I personally prefer the first one.

I found this DRM remover software, I don't know weither it's free or not :
They have a download for Mac and Windows, but there are no price. So it seems free, but I can't confirm it.

If you're interested, the following site name a list of top 10 DRM remover software :

Calibre is number one, but I never managed to remove DRM from kindle etc, using calibre, that is why I bough ebooks-converter software and ePubor.

I had tried tuneskit to remove DRM from Apple iBook Store, but it doesn't work on Hight Sierra and Mojave.

ebooks-drm removal bundle offer a trial. You can remove up to 10 kindle DRM before buying. I used it before buying and I found it very usefull.
The only bad point about it is that you can't download latest version of KIndle for Mac/PC, if you have it, you must downgrade to older version like KINDLE version 1.17, otherwise it won't work.

See more information here:
Hello everyone,

I finally created my Amazon Japan account. You were right, jueony, it would be easier to remove DRM and share ebooks that way...

I wanted to know how you manage your Kindle accounts in your country and Japan?

Is it really necessary to systematically unincrete the accounts for each purchase or is there a way to continue using both accounts without having to do all the usual manipulations to recover the kindle purchased on our Kindle Reader?
The 4th book of illustration making & visual book series.
Next book will be TCB's.
Kitsutsuki said:
The 4th book of illustration making & visual book series.
Next book will be TCB's.
Thank you!


This is part of book and I'm finding full book
Who has this book?
Kitsutsuki said:
The 4th book of illustration making & visual book series.
Next book will be TCB's.
Thank you very much!
EdenGenesis said:
Hello everyone,

I finally created my Amazon Japan account. You were right, jueony, it would be easier to remove DRM and share ebooks that way...

I wanted to know how you manage your Kindle accounts in your country and Japan?

Is it really necessary to systematically unincrete the accounts for each purchase or is there a way to continue using both accounts without having to do all the usual manipulations to recover the kindle purchased on our Kindle Reader?
I only use amazon Japan because there's no amazon service in Korea.
So I don't know.
EdenGenesis said:
Hello everyone,

I finally created my Amazon Japan account. You were right, jueony, it would be easier to remove DRM and share ebooks that way...

I wanted to know how you manage your Kindle accounts in your country and Japan?

Is it really necessary to systematically unincrete the accounts for each purchase or is there a way to continue using both accounts without having to do all the usual manipulations to recover the kindle purchased on our Kindle Reader?
I have two accounts just fine. When you are on your kindle reader, just log in with the jp amazon account to access your purchased books, and log out and log in with your other amazon account to access your other books.
Kitsutsuki said:
The 4th book of illustration making & visual book series.
Next book will be TCB's.
Thank you very much!! :D
is this one shared here or baidu?
It looks so familiar, but I cannot search this book without the book name or any keyword.
menmenjan said:
is this one shared here or baidu?
It looks so familiar, but I cannot search this book without the book name or any keyword.
It looks like Chinese version of this one.

It's written by a Korean artist, 노진.

And it's probably not shared yet, but I'm not sure.
I think the Chinese version might be shared..
jueony said:
It looks like Chinese version of this one.

It's written by a Korean artist, 노진.

And it's probably not shared yet, but I'm not sure.
I think the Chinese version might be shared..
Oh, that is why looks so familiar because it is a Korean Artist's book.
Thanks for info!!
kaede22 said:


This is part of book and I'm finding full book
Who has this book?
I'd buy the Appealingirls book but can't find it anywere.
Misere said:
I'd buy the Appealingirls book but can't find it anywere.
This is the first volume.(I noticed late, but it was used.)
This is the 2nd volume
Kitsutsuki said:
The 4th book of illustration making & visual book series.
Next book will be TCB's.
Thanks so much!
jueony said:
Link upadate.
I already uploaded the vol1~3 of this series. But the vol.4 was released recently.
And it was on kindle unlimited so I uploaded it and updated the dl link.

ポーズ資料集 POSE REFERENCE vol. 1~4

BTW, my kindle unlimited will end 2019/04/24.
If anyone want books on kindle unlimited, please let me know before my kindle unlimited end.
I was looking over the list of kindle unlimited books and keep bookmarking the one I found interesting
There are so many of them so don't worry if you don't have time (recommendation systems... )

Thanks, and Happy Easter!

月刊MdN 2013年 9月号(特集:マンガとアニメのグラフィックデザイン)

月刊MdN 2013年 11月号(特集:イラストのディレクション)

月刊MdN 2014年 8月号(特集:アニメのグラフィックデザイン)

月刊MdN 2014年 10月号(特集:イラスト表現の物理学 爆発+液体+炎+煙+魔法を描く)

月刊MdN 2014年 12月号(特集:漫画デザインのタイポグラフィ表現論)

月刊MdN 2015年 8月号(特集:制服―虚構とリアル、その狭間のデザイン)

月刊MdN 2015年 11月号(特集:エフェクト表現の物理学 爆発と液体と炎と煙と魔法と。)

月刊MdN 2016年 2月号(特集:神社デザイン)

月刊MdN 2016年10月号(特集:君の名は。 彼と彼女と、そして風景が紡ぐ物語 / 新海誠)

月刊MdN 2016年11月号(特集:絶対フォント感を身につける。2)

月刊MdN 2017年5月号(特集:TRIGGER—若きアニメスタジオ「トリガー」の5年半史)

月刊MdN 2017年6月号(特集:マンガ、アニメ、イラスト 新世代の才能は何を見て絵を描きはじめたのか?)

月刊MdN 2017年8月号(特集:男装憧憬―境界を超越するキャラクターのデザイン)

月刊MdN 2017年9月号(特集:マンガ雑誌をMdNがつくってみた!)

月刊MdN 2017年10月号(特集:絶対フォント感を身につける。[明朝体編])

月刊MdN 2017年11月号(特集:アニメを観たり、語るのは楽しい。でも……撮影を知るとその200倍は楽しい!)

月刊MdN 2018年1月号(特集:読めない文字。読みたい文字。—文字がグラフィクス化する時代)

月刊MdN 2018年6月号(特集:マンガの線――その描線から読み解けるもの)

月刊MdN 2018年10月号(特集:アニメの作画)

月刊MdN 2018年12月号(特集:この曲はなぜこのアプローチで撮ったのか? 映像監督8人に聞いたMV43曲)

CGWORLD (シージーワールド) 2018年 04月号 (デジタルアートTIPS大全)

CGWORLD (シージーワールド) 2018年 11月号 (スタイライズ表現探求)

CGWORLD (シージーワールド) 2019年 01月号 (このアニメ、新感覚! デジタルアートで世界を描く)

ノート・日記・手帳が楽しくなる ゆるスケッチ

版権フリー背景イラスト素材集第1弾 森編

版権フリー背景イラスト素材集第2弾 荒野編



おもしろいストーリーをつくろう: 画創り・インパクト・プロットで考えるストーリー構造論(仮説) マンガ・アニメ・ゲームのストーリー構築法 第三版: 映像とストーリーの構造論 (沼books)


アイデアスケッチの教科書 (NextPublishing)
jueony said:
It looks like Chinese version of this one.

It's written by a Korean artist, 노진.

And it's probably not shared yet, but I'm not sure.
I think the Chinese version might be shared..
menmenjan said:
Oh, that is why looks so familiar because it is a Korean Artist's book.
Thanks for info!!
There're two TCG series written by the artist

He also published two tutorial books
WarnerC3 said:
There're two TCG series written by the artist

He also published two tutorial books
Would you mind show the link about the other books that you mentioned, thanks.
This artist 's work is good.
menmenjan said:
Would you mind show the link about the other books than you mentioned, thanks.
This artist 's work is good.
The first 5 books are written by 노진. And the 6th one is the one I posted before.
Kitsutsuki said:
The 4th book of illustration making & visual book series.
Next book will be TCB's.