EdenGenesis said:
Jueony, I tried to get them on Amazon kindle, but my account does not allow me to buy in Japan.

Also, I thank you for your advice but I have already tried to buy Kindle on the Amazon Store Japanese, but as I'm registered on the European store with my Kindle, I have each time problems of conflict. Especially since I configured my software to remove DRM from Eu Amazon Store...

I will try to register on the Japanese store but my VPN do not work very well (, getflix)

I will try to see some tutorial on the internet.

It's true that it takes time to make screenshots of every page when I buy ebooks on honto and ebooskjapan.

By the way, I'm surprised that ebooksjapan has deleted all of the Super Pose books. I contacted him but they were not able to explain the exact reason. They just told me that they would contact the responsible department.

Concerning LINE, you're right, I was told it's Korean now.
I was fooled by the following source:

and the last message on Quora made me look for more informations :

Line began in 2011 as the brainchild of engineers at NHN Japan, the Japanese arm of Naver Corporation (formerly NHN) based in South Korea. Today the popular messaging service is operated by Line Corporation, a spinoff company headquartered in Japan, which still remains a subsidiary of Naver.

So the fact people think it's Japanese is because it was made with NHN engineers from Japan, we don't know if these enginners are Japanese, Chinese, Korean or any other nationalities. One sure thing is that Naver is a South Korean company.

We could somehow say that LINE Is a Koean-Japanese Application.
Ok. Anyway I just wanted to make sure that you don't spend your money to buy books that were already shared. That's what I concerned most.

Again. デジタルイラストの「エフェクト」描き方事典 and スーパー・ポーズブック 手と指の表情編アドバンス・前編 were already shared.

Rest of questions were not that important.