
bosshi guro jpeg_artifacts photoshop

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Not as disturbing as this post #33579 - did remind me of it though. That and I got a bit hungry...
Wha- My Lord... Who would ever think: "Oh, I think I'm gonna draw a girl as sushi fill"
yikes!! that a little bit scary...
disgusting and hell, I even clicked that link...
Feito said:
disgusting and hell, I even clicked that link...
The temptation goes beyond your fear... lol
lol, I find these pictures funny... well the other one is a little creepy.
I think this picture is more disturbing than the other... I wonder why--
This is DEFINITELY more disturbing than the other one.
Fucking twisted, this pedophile shit!

Sorry, lost my cool for a moment. Let me proceed to explain why.

1. This image suggests blood, therefore a messy and unpleasant death.

2. The subject are children, as opposed to adult. This messes with multiple social taboo such as violence towards helpless children, pedophilia, snuff, murdering of young, and cannibalism.

3. Showing step-to-step process. Imagine the last girl having to endure her peers being devoured and their bones picked from the abomination's teeth.
Looking at the comments, I think I'm not going to click on the picture..
Atys said:
3. Showing step-to-step process. Imagine the last girl having to endure her peers being devoured and their bones picked from the abomination's teeth.
Well...they seem to be enjoining it :P (You have to consider the fact that "there's a lid for every pot" - so if there are sadistic pedos, there are also masochistic lolis...maybe not many though>.<). And it doesn't have to be blood - it could be just the sauce (that's over them)...a case of "we see what we want to see" (that's also a reason why i think it is a magnificent pic!...but i understand it's not for everyone)
Atys said:
This is DEFINITELY more disturbing than the other one.
Fucking twisted, this pedophile shit!

Sorry, lost my cool for a moment. Let me proceed to explain why.

1. This image suggests blood, therefore a messy and unpleasant death.

2. The subject are children, as opposed to adult. This messes with multiple social taboo such as violence towards helpless children, pedophilia, snuff, murdering of young, and cannibalism.

3. Showing step-to-step process. Imagine the last girl having to endure her peers being devoured and their bones picked from the abomination's teeth.
1. assuming it's blood instead of the sauce that's poured on them getting in the broth or whatever when each is removed from the dish.

2. all you see is each no longer on the dish, the pedo, snuff, murder and cannibalism are assumptions supplied by you, the viewer.

3. again, assuming they are eaten, and the girls waiting their turns are horrified. Do they look horrified? Laying your interpretation/fantasy at our feet and complaining about it, well there is nothing we can do about what you imagined, is there...
I'm not saying it again. Move onto another subject or I'll take further action.
I don't hesitate to delete a low-res jpeg-artifacted photoshopped spam bait.
I would say leave it alone. I just don't think it's right for people to put their sick fantasies here.
maybe it's delicious, i think
khankazz165 said:
maybe it's delicious, i think
I think it's just a rather strange bit of anthropomorphization artwork. To me at least, it's quite obvious the artist has just taken a food item and made it cute and human looking, then done a sequence of images to suggest the meal being eaten. Strange, but not all that freaky as long as you keep in mind that the food isn't really like that, it's just drawn that way for these images. (´・ω・`)
i agree with you. usen't any guro scenes but conveying a freaky feeling what readers feel. that's particularly fine.
I actually like this picture. I think its cute! :D

The only thing I don't like, are the comments that say the girls get eaten... that's just gross.
Glad there are some nice people who don't think about child cannibalism. :)
Personally, I find this concept to be not so much different from, say, the top of a wedding cake featuring mini-figures of the people that just married. Those figures may also be eaten and no one will object.