
kishida_mel swimsuits

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Hi minasan~

I wondering who change the "kishida_meru" back to "kishida_mel"
I was trying to correct the name of this artist one by one... = . =
I'm pretty sure "kishida_mel" is not the correct name for "岸田メル"
thfp said:
I'm pretty sure "kishida_mel" is not the correct name for "岸田メル"
Tough, you're wrong. Let's look on the artist's official website shall we?
Right at the bottom.
Last update 2009.11.13 (C) 2002-2009 Kishida Mel
Official doesn't means it's always correct.
However the roman-letters of "岸田メル" is "kishida meru", "kishida mel" is just the simplified ver. of it.
thfp said:
Official doesn't means it's always correct.
However the roman-letters of "岸田メル" is "kishida meru", "kishida mel" is just the simplified ver. of it.
Haha, oh wow. Let me get this straight, you're now telling someone how to spell their own name.

Varion said:
Will you quit being rude?
Seriously, I was going to say something the first time around...
How's he being rude..i think i'm failing to see the line between "make a point" and "being rude". If saying "no, really, look here, you're wrong" is rude..then should we use the formal language while adressing people here >_>
howto:comment - Specifically the 'Be polite' section.
"meru" shows on post #107904, "mel" shows on post #98144 & post #105629
It does not a matter to me if the name shows for "岸田メル" is "kishida mel" on imouto site, there are difference for sure. If I don't mention, someone else will someday, I just be the first.
thfp said:
"meru" shows on post #107904, "mel" shows on post #98144 & post #105629
It does not a matter to me if the name shows for "岸田メル" is "kishida mel" on imouto site, there are difference for sure. If I don't mention, someone else will someday, I just be the first.
post #107904 is not a good example because it is a wallpaper created by someone who may not know how to spell the artist's name correctly. There are solid evidences that it should be mel, and you pointed out some of them already.

The reason why the katakana is メル is because Japanese doesn't have characters representing single "l". Same thing goes with ベル for bell.
thfp said:
"meru" shows on post #107904, "mel" shows on post #98144 & post #105629
It does not a matter to me if the name shows for "岸田メル" is "kishida mel" on imouto site, there are difference for sure. If I don't mention, someone else will someday, I just be the first.
So what if the artist refers to himself as "Mel". Japanese doesn't have a kana for "l". Of course he'll have to write "meru". And random companies that print his works will also use "meru" since it's the common japanese. But if he got "mel" on his webpage..i think we should stick to that..unless you wanna drop him a mail.
thfp said:
"meru" shows on post #107904, "mel" shows on post #98144 & post #105629
It does not a matter to me if the name shows for "岸田メル" is "kishida mel" on imouto site, there are difference for sure. If I don't mention, someone else will someday, I just be the first.
Good sir, with all due respect I must profess a deep concern for your line of reasoning. You say that it does not matter to you, yet you mentioned in your original post that you have taken the time to alter each of these posts by your own hand.

The point, and I beg you not think ill of me for saying so, is that the artist has chosen a romanisation for his own name. You are within your rights to disagree with this if you so desire, however your own attempts to use a literal romanisation are no more official than the artist's own, and a majority of users here would clearly wish to raise objections to your own naming scheme if it were to become standard. We appreciate your desire to raise this point, but it is not necessary.

Thank you for your time.
Ok. Pretty big conversation on spelling but I think that thfp you might be forgetting how several artists go by pennames so to speak or circle names not even reasoning with their real name. So if He goes by Kishida mel on his website, just let it be. As he probably doesn't want to be known as meru on the web.
I've even seen misspelled names on illustrations in magazines (though I can't recall where off-hand).
petopeto said:
I've even seen misspelled names on illustrations in magazines (though I can't recall where off-hand).
post #26059
van said:
post #26059
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!

Blame MS-IME.
its way of typing Japanese is breaking romanization rules.

ティ = thi in IME somewhat :p
It's as same as we never use "kuranado" for clannad.. because in these cases the Japanese is from English (or some else Romance), especially they use katakana.
A more accurate comparison is that we don't call someone named John "Jon" because he writes his name ジョン. It's katakana that's approximating this artist's name (whether it's his real name or an alias), not romanization.
the artist uses 'Mel' on his own site, so what's the problem with using 'Mel' here?

petopeto said:
A more accurate comparison is that we don't call someone named John "Jon" because he writes his name ジョン. It's katakana that's approximating this artist's name (whether it's his real name or an alias), not romanization.
another example would be the name chris (クリス in katakana)...
i point this out because of the following... i've seen 4 different spellings of this name with exactly the same pronounciation... there's the obvious default, chris, then there's kriss (akabusi, who used to be an athlete - ) and then i've also seen it spelled cris and also kris (which is how someone i know spells their first name)... it's impossible to get those 4 different spellings from those katakana