This post has a child post. (post #140068)

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Her eyes are so immensely beautiful *u*
Huh...she looks like a Human Mouse.
*hold her body and wheel her xxxx with my middle finger (*゚∀゚)σ
(LOL!) that an order?
midzki said:
*hold her body and wheel her xxxx with my middle finger (*゚∀゚)σ
She would suffocate under your sweaty palm midzki!
The more I see of her the less innocent I think she is....
I don't understand a word you're saying, how about some English?
Azarel said:
I don't understand a word you're saying, how about some English?

So you're not the only one who hates not understanding Japanese
Debbie said:

So you're not the only one who hates not understanding Japanese
That's Chinese, not Japanese
Ponnkun said:
That's Chinese, not Japanese
I'm not supposed to know the difference between Chinese and Japanese
Debbie said:
I'm not supposed to know the difference between Chinese and Japanese
Then don't guess, haha
Ponnkun said:
That's Chinese, not Japanese
Actually, that could be Japanese Kanji - taken from the Chinese character system.
Haha, you just made a new meme!
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
Naked_Flame said:
Actually, that could be Japanese Kanji - taken from the Chinese character system.
But the characters around it clearly point out that it's Chinese. And Japanese kanji looks SIMILAR to Chinese characters, it's not exactly the same. Of course, you'd have to know them to spot the differences. But either way, no complete sentence in Japanese uses JUST kanji, there's always hiragana (or katakana if you're in some strange situation I can't think of right now).

EDIT: Longest one, I win... Where the heck's my cookie?
|・ω・`)(*‘ω‘ *)ヽ(・∀・* )ノ◯=(^∀^*)Σ(゚Д゚ )(∩゚∀゚)∩Σd(ゝω・o)(ノ `Д´)ノ ~┻━┻Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ(-ω-*)ゞ( ´∀`)つ┐('~`;)┌ ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ∑(O_O;)(ノ∀`)┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ(`・ω・´) ( ゚∀゚)o彡゚
Ponnkun said:
But the characters around it clearly point out that it's Chinese. And Japanese kanji looks SIMILAR to Chinese characters, it's not exactly the same. Of course, you'd have to know them to spot the differences. But either way, no complete sentence in Japanese uses JUST kanji, there's always hiragana (or katakana if you're in some strange situation I can't think of right now).

EDIT: Longest one, I win... Where the heck's my cookie?
Granted, sentences in Japanese need to have hiragana in them to be used as particles, not to mention verbs are never entirely in kanji. Furthermore, another reason why the first post was probably not in Japanese is because it's the same character repeated three times - in Japanese you're only likely to get a kanji character repeated twice and even then you do not actually repeat the character twice; you use a special "repetition" character. However, I do not believe that the first poster was actually speaking any language and was probably just randomly using a character.
Naked_Flame said:
Granted, sentences in Japanese need to have hiragana in them to be used as particles, not to mention verbs are never entirely in kanji. Furthermore, another reason why the first post was probably not in Japanese is because it's the same character repeated three times - in Japanese you're only likely to get a kanji character repeated twice and even then you do not actually repeat the character twice; you use a special "repetition" character. However, I do not believe that the first poster was actually speaking any language and was probably just randomly using a character.
I didn't even try the entire thing because I'm a Japanese speaker, not a Chinese one. I read a few characters that I KNEW were Chinese, and corrected Debbie on that. I wasn't trying to list all of the reasons why it wasn't a Japanese post; I merely listed the most obvious one. ┐('~`;)┌
Topic: It's moe.
/combo break
Ponnkun said:
/combo break
(second row, forth from the left)

Ponnkun said:
Topic: It's moe.
That it is...
If you guys plan on continuing this, do it though Private Messages.