
ass geister naked thighhighs touhou yakumo_yukari

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she looks so evil (those eyes tell you she's gonna devour you afterward)...and so sexy!
that for true i just love evil eyes and especialy red eyes but this one is just saying i'm gona raep and kill you hehe xD
this anime is getting lot of attention is it really that good?
I could perhaps pass on Yukari, I want that bed!
don't read if you're a fan of geister
midzki said:
don't read if you're a fan of geister
your are right
see this image for proof:


so it seems he is analysis
MDGeist said:
your are right
see this image for proof:

I doubt he traced, I think he referenced it. Sakuya's body is slightly different from the model's. I agree many artists use models, so it doesn't make geister any less of an artist. (Not saying you think (s)he's less of an artist or anything.)
If one wants to have realistic painting, it is best matched with real-life anatomy. You won't learn muscle tone or texture from looking at flat 2d illustrations. 2d is a good source of style, but is lacking in accuracy, which is why real life references are important to this kind of artist.
Some are more creative than others though. That depends on how similar reference and final images look. Even when a whole composition is similar, it doesn't always mean it was a direct trace. Drawing is easy with reference. drawing with no reference is much more difficult. Some may rationalize that the difficulty of painting is offsetting the ease of copying a concept from another source.

Even master painters like Kagaya hire models to reference muscle and lighting on. It is explained on his homepage. spoiler But Kagaya himself has enough imagination to create illustrations without further influence.
While it's certainly no slight on geister's artistic skills to say he uses models and/or reference images, I personally think a bigger problem is the whole uncanny valley effect. Basically his art looks too real for the body, so adding in the anime features ended up making the whole thing look creepy because it's unnatural. Some people may like this, but given that it's a well-known (and named) issue they're probably in the minority. \(--)/

That said, geister's certainly talented, even if he's tracing photos to get the bodies, that's still quite difficult to do. Coloring them properly afterward is even more difficult. (´・ω・`)