
hibike!_euphonium katou_hazuki_(hibike!_euphonium) kawashima_sapphire kousaka_reina maruko_tatsunari oumae_kumiko seifuku

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Can anybody tell me which magazine is this scan from?
Sadly, they keep the yuri-bait even in this picture. Thank you KyoAni. I'll enjoy the show just for the love of music.
Acting like friends is now yuribati?
Not that there ain't many yuribait regarding Euphonium, but this one illustration in particular isn't anything more than your average 4 girl friendship.
blooregardo said:
such an original show
Is there any original shows these days that are actually done well?

Everything looks to be the same to me.
TheUnspoken said:
Acting like friends is now yuribati?
Not that there ain't many yuribait regarding Euphonium, but this one illustration in particular isn't anything more than your average 4 girl friendship.
I think he's referring to the hand-holding is all
son u have no idea of what free fans have to go through
Lol yuri bait. Did you see what genre is this show? Music, drama, school. Getting tired with those people who force yuri genre to this show.