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akamoku dakimakura hololive yukihana_lamy

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again, what do people buy dakimakura fur?
The pillows themselves are good to hug or to have so you don't roll into the wall at night for example. The pillow cases can just be plain, or you can put your waifu or husbando on it just to make it look better. Was considering getting a blank one for my girlfriend cause she likes to hug a pillow in her sleep.
If it's just for hugging it doesn't need to be so revealing, terrible, terrible! Is Lamy even cool with that, and all those her porn art as well!?
most likely. It's good publicity and good advertising. I'm sure they also get a portion of the profits for their likeness. Sex sells.
damn, you made it sound like she's a porn star.
Righthandstrong said:
damn, you made it sound like she's a porn star.
the art, entertainment and porn are very much overlapped subjects. the deciding factor is the bias of the viewer. and at no point in human history of deliberate depiction has sexuality or sexual attributes not been part of that.
the unfortunate hysterics of people assuming they can read the mind of all around them and cleanly separate them to their own bias is a problem big enough to have a bodycount.