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A very damaged image. Flagged.
checked from the pixiv source, seems good
Why flag?
You can get it from pixiv source.
See forum #33347.
Hmmm. When displayed on my browser it's cut up/spliced to pieces. Maybe it's just MS Edge, it's the only one that did that. Odd. I didn't have it happen with the same image on Konachan. Has anyone else saved the image and looked at it?
It's damaged even downloaded and can't be repaired. Should be re-uploaded, but when the server problem is fixed.
It's not broken when I open it.
When I view it, her head is cut in half and the top portion of the image has slid to the right.
Still a problem from the server I guess.
Also easily bypassed. click to load the larger version, change the tags to something like "good.jpg" at the end there and then bam image works.

I will note it works just fine for me
Please don’t flag damaged images, unless they still are if:
– they still are broken if you edit tags, and if
– they still are broken after changing the filename in the picture URL itself (try something like “[hexa identifier]/a.[ext]”)

This bug is known for more than a week, now. But there is always a way to get a non-broken image for now, so this is not like posts were really messed up. Flagging for this reason is useless, then.