Date Feb 12, 2010 User Aurelia Rating Safe Score 25
What? Is she joining the second season of K-ON? ;)
She'd better not. That would be enough reason for me to not watch it D:<
Huh, Rin being in K-ON! would be the ONLY reason I would watch it.
they'd probably make her eyes fist-sized a la K-ON
Date Dec 16, 2011 User Nekotsúh Rating Questionable Score 122
Date Jan 15, 2010 User Mr_GT Rating Questionable Score 165
Date Nov 9, 2011 User PPV10 Rating Safe Score 27
Those seem to be too short to be bunny ears, but I might be wrong.
Metaler said:
Those seem to be too short to be bunny ears, but I might be wrong.
Doggy Ears perhaps? :P
Date Dec 17, 2011 User charunetra Rating Safe Score 26
This shit kicks ass!
I'm not sure why she has a rose for an eye patch, but I like it.
I wish there was more rear end showing on Yozora... ^^;
Date Jan 20, 2010 User MirrorMagpie Rating Questionable Score 34 Hidden 3
My bad. I activated a whole page by mistake (I'm new in this).
blooregardo said:
(I'm new in this).
Prepare to be 'educated' by Midzki
Radioactive said:
Prepare to be 'educated' by Midzki
Oh NO!! Not the Midzki! Nooo!
blooregardo said:
Oh NO!! Not the Midzki! Nooo!
aoie's already experienced the midzki
Heh. eczn sparked my curiosity by posting here.
Probably involving alcohol. Preferably none on his laptop, again.
Date Dec 13, 2011 User gnarf1975 Rating Questionable Score 88 Hidden 8
Not the pizza! Catch it or the loli will not giving any tips!
soooo here is the play by play.....

Loli: "you're late! what took you so long!?"
Pizza Man: errrr..........duurrrrr..........(all the while thinking, thank you God, thank you!)
Fuck pizza! Eat the loli... or was it the other way around?
^^ lmao

Employee: Pizza Hut. How may I help?
Customer: Do you deliver? And what kind of special to you have?
Employee: Yes, we do deliver and we're running 1 topping large pizzas for $5.00. Would you like a large $5.00 pizza sir?
Customer: Yeah, makes mines $5.00 loli to go.
awww maaaaan i want lolis... and pizza
Date Sep 1, 2011 User vita Rating Questionable Score 52
If only she were real. I'd give her my virginity and make her into my heartsweet.
Pettite slim and naughty, she is perfect.