Date Jan 31, 2009 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 46
Poor kobato-chan;(
She does not deserve that.
Date Dec 1, 2011 User Radioactive Rating Questionable Score 47 Hidden 2
Aoie: You're confused again. Fireattack is referring to the 'find artist' option next to the source field.
BTW, for a uploaded post, it appears under the tagbox as well.
Just tested it another upload and it came back with 21 results for the artist. Um, that's not useful.
It only works with the artists on our DB -- like sono, you can see his pixiv direct image link on URLs:

The system will match any source have "*" part and find the artist. For the one we didn't add to artist DB yet, it can only match "*" which is invalid.
Understood. I'll do the ones that I can.
虫儿飞 虫儿飞   
冷风吹 冷风吹   
虫儿飞   花儿睡   
不怕天黑   只怕心碎   
Date Dec 7, 2011 User charunetra Rating Questionable Score 58
Why did I think this was Twilight Sparkle at first...
Date Dec 11, 2011 User sokusan Rating Questionable Score 135
That's a odd looking interference pattern.
Do not forget to use the loli tag when uploading.
yeah, otherwise my loli bathing search won't work ;) cute pic btw
ira ira kinmotsu deeesu! *sings*
I could never put this up in my room, so I will favorite it here.
a clean loli is a healthy loli?
Date Oct 12, 2008 User Radioactive Rating Safe Score 44
Wow, beautiful. Mind = Blown.
Date Mar 1, 2011 User vita Rating Questionable Score 95
Is it just me, or is there something wrong with the placement of Rin's legs?
Protractor nipple censors what will they think off next.
perfecta imagen.. buenisima calidad... se va a la pared tambien~
Guess the Blu-Ray edition was cancelled, huh?
Yay, more Kodomo no Jikan! Love this show~
Sakai hina is the cutest from the anime