Date May 30, 2010 User crim Rating Safe Score 6
from what anime is she ? and what's her name???
vaigre said:
from what anime is she ? and what's her name???
She presumably an original character, newb.
Date Aug 28, 2011 User petopeto Rating Questionable Score 0
Cat milk? You mean someone actually had to milk a cat to get that?
porchesq said:
Cat milk? You mean someone actually had to milk a cat to get that?
Here kitty kitty kitty....
Atrum-Tempestas said:
Kinda strange looking...
Isn't this the story based on an H.P. Lovecraft monster?
OmegaDogma said:
Isn't this the story based on an H.P. Lovecraft monster?
Vaguely, but yes. Quite a good read though.
Date Aug 29, 2011 User Jigsy Rating Safe Score 49
HZH19940408 said:
Date Jun 1, 2010 User crim Rating Questionable Score 6
Date Aug 30, 2011 User diulamaon9 Rating Questionable Score 156
Date Aug 30, 2011 User charunetra Rating Safe Score 12
The character artwork kinda ruins this.
Date Aug 29, 2011 User SubaruSumeragi Rating Questionable Score 49
i am still new to adding/making tags and i cant figure this out...

i want to add the tag "twintails" to this but dont know how.
twintails refers to the twintails hair style.
it is also know as pigtails, double pony tails and many others but twintails and pigtails is the most common.
i would really like to start adding twintails tag to things

is this possible?
We're not adding new tags of that type AFAIK
I thought we already had a twintails tag; I think it would be handy. Of course, then people would probably want to start tagging all hairstyles, and that might get out of control.
true they might want to start tagging all hairstyles but twintails is the heart and soul for anime... that and lolis
The only tags we need are artist, circle, character, copyright and fault. But that's purely IMO
fucking hideyoshi almost ruin the picture.
he's covering a few of himeji's hair, thank god he's not covering at all.
If it comes to what is ruining the picture, it's those girls and not Hideyoshi.
WcDuck said:
If it comes to what is ruining the picture, it's those girls and not Hideyoshi.
Sure Shouko, Akira (big sister) and Hideyoshi is much more appealing than the main heroines. More like Hideyoshi himself is more appropriate for being the main heroine.
Date Aug 30, 2011 User TassadaR Rating Safe Score 89