Date Aug 19, 2006 User cyanoacry Rating Safe Score 53 Hidden 21
Manabi said:
Not sure what to do about that, since I'm not completely certain how to handle name collisions. (?´・ω・`)
artist_(circle name) is primary usage.
If they haven't circles, then artist_(pixiv account name) instead? (not sure about pixiv only artists because I don't upload them. I just remember danbooru uses crim_(kazhm))
danbooru doesn't discriminate between circles and artists sometimes .. :/
crim said:
fixed (・ω・)ノ
☆⌒(*^-゚)v Thanks!! I'll probably look through my downloaded art from Mirai and see if anything's big enough. Probably won't be much though, they tend to be less than 1000px in both dimensions. ε=(‐ω‐;;)
Got an reply from mirai herself through my pixiv account;
It's her original drawing. a nameless character.
*huh!* ( O_O ) ~> *ohh...* ( T_T ) ~> *my goddess of old mascot, have a rest in peace in your world* ( Y - Y )

The new era has come.. into the world of oreno.imouto... *the end* ???
*questioning myself* .....maybe .....maybe ( ´・ω・`)
Date Oct 12, 2010 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 146 Hidden 27
Wait... I asked this on another post but what happened to moe.imouto? Did some publisher request it be taken off for *ahem* some copyrighted posts being distributed here?
Just look for admin2's blog, should come up easily if you google his name.
Airin said:
Rly good job cos it has an inner sense. In memory of
(T_T) is it a sadness or tear drops can help the situation back to the normal as before? *psst* the world too cruel to us.....
Date Sep 11, 2011 User Radioactive Rating Questionable Score 28
does it bra-less on purpose?
Date Sep 4, 2009 User Share Rating Safe Score 17
Date Sep 4, 2009 User Share Rating Safe Score 9
Date Sep 4, 2009 User Share Rating Safe Score 7
very cute with these angel wings
Date Sep 4, 2009 User Share Rating Safe Score 8
She is sleeping so weel that the desire to sleep
Date Sep 4, 2009 User Share Rating Safe Score 8
Date Sep 7, 2009 User Share Rating Safe Score 4
This clothing is the very mad