Date Dec 29, 2008 User petopeto Rating Safe Score 4
i love love love the perspective of the second one....
really inspiring. =3
Date Aug 17, 2010 User Kalafina Rating Questionable Score 88
Date Nov 16, 2010 User DarkOuranos Rating Safe Score 69
Tags armor cait
slightly big shadow on her face, everything else cool :)
Date Nov 17, 2010 User blooregardo Rating Safe Score 57
I think this is an alternative version of Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue
hidekeitaro said:
I think this is an alternative version of Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue
I second that! actually i see one of her familiars, i don't know them that well but i think that's Gii
Date Nov 18, 2010 User aihost Rating Explicit Score 0
If you want to flag one image as (exactly) duplicate, please parent it first.
Oh, I see... sorry for the trouble > <U
Date Jun 7, 2010 User 当銭神社 Rating Explicit Score 225