Date Nov 4, 2010 User crim Rating Safe Score 54
I gave up filter this at the level of noiseless coz it has full of texture (*☍﹏⁰)
Used a different process only to this image.
This image is different for sure :)
I love it! There are a lot of great images in December's Dengeki Moeoh. I'll have to see if I can get a copy of it.
Wow... just... wow. *_*
I love this kind of images...
OMG, Austria and Switzerland together are love *-*
And- have you seen Lili (Liech) crying? aww ;_;

I wonder why a lot of characters are crying in this one.
Date Apr 7, 2010 User Wraith Rating Questionable Score 226
I love these girls, but the left.
I like both designs, but the one on the left has interesting hair though.
it's the 1st time i've saw the genre "wa-maid". oh, an excellent new world is discovered
Date Nov 3, 2010 User imber Rating Explicit Score 3
First image I've seen I really wanted to be able to vote down (instead of just ignoring it). \(--)/
I agree with others. This censorship totally ruins the picture.
I think the fact that it looks like she's taking a dump is a bit more of an issue...
i hate the tatto and the fucking ring .... it destroy image of mugi !!
Date Nov 3, 2010 User fireattack Rating Questionable Score 160
nice, but the legs of the 'right' girls seems crooked
Date Nov 5, 2010 User blooregardo Rating Questionable Score 32
First iamge about Dragon Nest
Date Nov 5, 2010 User Pilad Rating Questionable Score 51
the boobs look way too big for them to be hers, and also posts #162032 and #162033 are the exact same body. Should a photoshop tag be added?
the photoshop tag isn't reliable handled anyway. What's more, this pic can be considered as the original because it's a vector out of a screenshot of season 2. So yes, that are her tits.
Date Nov 4, 2010 User blooregardo Rating Safe Score 28
deanbebe said:
what made she cry??
Platonic love (?) <3
deanbebe said:
what made she cry??
"I finally made it!"?
deanbebe said:
what made she cry??
maybe the guy ugly she painted her lack,or just that she not love what she draw
im pretty sure the dude dies
Date Sep 19, 2010 User Kalafina Rating Questionable Score 176