Date Sep 1, 2010 User Radioactive Rating Questionable Score 29
whats wrong with her tongue?
They artist got so horny by the time they got to the tongue that they couldn't see straight and drew it funky? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
Manabi said:
They artist got so horny by the time they got to the tongue that they couldn't see straight and drew it funky? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
I "lol" at that...
Date Nov 14, 2010 User Paris_117 Rating Safe Score 2
lenalee lee~~~Chinese girl><
Date Jul 25, 2010 User the658 Rating Explicit Score 47
some parts of this are simple and not drawn well, while others are very it was either drawn by two different people, or not ever finished, or decensored by a horrible horrible person.
Nah, that's just motion blur ;)
How is this censored and uncensored?
Date Nov 14, 2010 User yaoyao Rating Safe Score 1
Well I can post them to Konachan if the uploader doesn't mind...
Date Nov 14, 2010 User yaoyao Rating Questionable Score 2
Date Oct 5, 2010 User Communist Rating Safe Score 34 Hidden 13
If this had the loli tag I would lose all sanity.
bakaneko said:
if it were questionable, it would be loli - and if it were a photo it would be questionable (since it's probably illegal most places for someone that age to have a gun.
Probably not illegal, even in the US it's not illegal in all states (varies some from state to state and by type of gun (long gun (aka rifle) is treated differently than handguns because of hunting). This type of image could be done as an art photograph just fine, although the gun would be unloaded obviously. Actually I think I've seen some "art" quite similar to this with a loli with a handgun. Oh, and don't forget Léon (aka The Professional), which had a loli Natalie Portman firing a handgun out a window a few times at random. Not the type of art I like, but some people do like it so it exists. ヾ(´・ω・`)

LegLicker said:
A cute little girl starting her life as a serial killer!
Better warn the animals to stay away!
This is one loli that pedobear will probably be avoiding. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

animetfw said:
If this had the loli tag I would lose all sanity.
Only reason it doesn't is because loli's just for questionable or explicit rated images. ( ̄ー ̄)
in California U.S it not illegal to have aka's but it is illegal to have full clips or extended clips and or full automatic capability after the Hollywood incident also it not illegal to have questionable weapons just as long its not assembled
i just noticed....if you assume she is making eye contact with you...the level if the gun should be pointed at your crotch...
tktk123 said:
i just noticed....if you assume she is making eye contact with you...the level if the gun should be pointed at your crotch...
Smart girl, the kickback will draw her arm up so she'll get them in the belly or chest. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
:O..... im staying out of this one....
Poor Sakura, that's no way to treat her ;_;
Is it just me or does Sakura get the short end of the stick all the time?
otakuamer said:
Is it just me or does Sakura get the short end of the stick all the time?
All popular anime girls do (even a lot of the not-so-popular ones as well). Many doujins are basically an excuse to rape the popular girls in a series by anyone and everyone. Not criticizing, just pointing out it's true. I remember thinking that one CCS H doujin in particular should have been entitled "Everyone Rapes Sakura-chan". o(>< )o o( ><)o

That's a large part of why doujins that have good stories, or really exceptional art, or something creatively funny (like the infamous "a cat is fine too" one) become so popular. They're not just the same old stuff recycled by different artists and people respond to that, and remember them for it. ( ̄~ ̄;)
Manabi said:
All popular anime girls do (even a lot of the not-so-popular ones as well). Many doujins are basically an excuse to rape the popular girls in a series by anyone and everyone or anything. Not criticizing, just pointing out it's true.
Fixed that.
Kinda looks like she is enjoying herself
Date Oct 26, 2010 User Amperrior Rating Safe Score 22 Hidden 5
tktk123 said:
2) marry robot
3) reduce overpopulation
Yeah those 2 go together since robots won't get pregnant
tktk123 said:
1) invent computer program
2) marry robot
3) reduce overpopulation
4) save the world

why isnt honda getting on this already?!?
Funny and looking it from that perceptive we might just might save the world but then Machines will surpass us leaving us useless then what? they do our jobs and we simply live and die ? that sounds fun at first but after 3 years that would get old for me at least
bakaneko said:
Yeah those 2 go together since robots won't get pregnant
Depends on how advanced they are I guess. See Hand Maid May and MOMO from Xenosaga. (Although admittedly MOMO's not quite a robot.) ( ̄ー ̄)
HopelessDreamer said:
Machines will surpass us leaving us useless then what? they do our jobs and we simply live and die ?
Matrix or Dune :)
Actually, they have already invented sex robots. XD