Date Jul 21, 2009 User midzki Rating Safe Score 26
55p fullcolor book which contains 25 images of girls with audio equipments.
Oh I like marukata's style, thx for scanning.

and can't believe we don't have any his art before 0_0
Date Jul 21, 2009 User charunetra Rating Questionable Score 42
This is Miku? It looks like Sasami.
artist says thats Hatsune Miku
Date Jul 21, 2009 User akumahai Rating Safe Score 37
Date Jul 10, 2008 User majoria Rating Safe Score 8
oh newtype.... i kinda miss you...
Scanned at 1200dpi...and resized to 600 dpi...
If image looks bad... maybe... I should resize to 300dpi?
scanning to 600 is more than enough usually.
OK... 600dpi scan and 300dpi resize... thanks to advise syaoran-kun :)
For our purpose, we don't really need anything more than 600dpi :)
It's not purpose, it's content--most stuff isn't printed at 1200 DPI, or even 600 DPI. If someone took a 300 DPI A4 source, and scaled it to an A8 card on a very high-resolution printer, then 1200 DPI could definitely be useful. I don't think we've ever seen anything like that, though.
over 600dpi is mainly used for photo scans.

monochrome paper print: 600dpi
color paper print: 350/360 dpi
dakimakura print: 200dpi or less (many of them are using upscaled material)
Date Jul 21, 2009 User Radioactive Rating Safe Score 29
Date Jan 29, 2009 User acas Rating Safe Score 11
Date Sep 22, 2008 User Radioactive Rating Safe Score 1
Date May 5, 2009 User howagirlfigures Rating Questionable Score 12
Hahaha ^^ this image gave me quite a laugh.
I'm so glad I've got yaoi blacklisted, I don't think I want to see this.
i like yaoi but this makes me feel like a criminal... sheesh wait till they're timeskipped...
plz help change galaxy_angel_ii (0) --> galaxy_angel_rune (59)
to galaxy_angel_rune --> galaxy_angel_ii

"-rune" is just the anime's name, but "ii" is the name of full series which include threee games and anime "rune".
oh my god
the original size is so fat that...