Date Jul 23, 2007 User admin2 Rating Safe Score 12
Date Apr 9, 2007 User GipFace Rating Questionable Score 41 Hidden 1
over 17 years ago
Pedophilia spotted plz delete this
over 17 years ago
Gotta love how some peoples can't understand the beautifulness of some pics
Wallpaper'd this, god damn that's awesome...
photoshop, irfanview, paint, or just use gimp to resize it to 1280 / 1024 or whatever
about 17 years ago
post it then...
Pay for another copy so I can debind it?
about 17 years ago
would make one undebound version first, to see if its worth it :3
Date Jul 11, 2007 User Anonymous Rating Questionable Score 45 Hidden 1
too bad 2 scans are censored by the scanner :|
about 17 years ago
I don't think these are from the Girls Museum 2005-2006 scans though.
about 17 years ago
18+ is ok considering some pics here show nipples and such..
about 17 years ago
most waveride pillows show more than that...
about 17 years ago
im just warning in case there's kid lurking here about to download 18+ content from torrent =/ probably none but better safe than _____

i will upload one explicit image.
im Kanze, original poster here
will upload rest of decent image, pardon my slow upload speed

some of the image are based on anime series i think, cause i saw shuffle in one of them
about 17 years ago
Hard to tell. Animepaper scans can suck badly...
6470 and 6471 werent accepted... and no, i wont upload the 11mb raws again
about 17 years ago
MDGeist, your raws were crappy quality and were subsequently very very quickly deleted. We can see the quality and we're pretty picky about it as you might as well know, so please refrain from wasting our time. Besides, don't you have some 4chan trolling to do?
about 17 years ago
Define crappy :
7443 x 5254 doesnt seem that bad, considering this 1831er version is just a resize...
about 17 years ago
The size doesn't matter. It is the quality of the scan that is important.
about 17 years ago
Resize the 11mb raws to 19xx and youll see, they are the same!
Date Jun 17, 2007 User Anonymous Rating Safe Score 14 Hidden 8
PS is often used for fixed sized images (read : Wallpaper) though.

However enlarging your hours of work in PS to a size of lets say >>630 is NOT possible...
You had to start at that size , which will most likely kill your memory ^^

You can make vectorized shape layers in Photoshop (Pen Tool), it's just not as powerful as in Illustrator.
about 17 years ago
read above: you can make vectors in photoshop but you can only save the paths. it's not the same, since you cannot use the vector in case you need to add-erase things (or make it bigger, since it's a vector, resolution is not a problem. instead, in photoshop, it depends on the size you made the paths)

remember: paths =! vector
But you can make the size of your paths bigger. O_o
about 17 years ago
but still it's not the same :3
photoshop: photo editing
illustrator: vector editing
as soon as you fill your paths with color youre gonna get fucked up
see :
Date Mar 2, 2007 User DLS84 Rating Safe Score 30 Hidden 2
geass is banned from moe :|
about 17 years ago
do you only know how to complain to 4chan?
Give us a moment... trying to restore all the pics...
Most are back from batch import.
about 17 years ago
whats the source of this?
the millions of tags suck. :|

and if thats one of your bad vectors, i wanna see ur good ones ^^
about 17 years ago
There are plenty ones on this board !! :/
about 17 years ago
whoever tried to tag this: The tag separator is space. If you're going to add a tag with spaces in it, replace them with underscores, elsewise you'll just create separate tags (eg "steel", "angel", and "kurumi" instead of "steel angel kurumi").
Retagged to follow the tagging guidelines.