Yay, updated to a newer Danbooru installation. Glad to see it, and hooray for tagtypes etc.
It was quite a hassle to update to trunk ~_~ took 2 nights of work to get it somewhat working. Still trying to track down bugs (the tag numbers are inaccurate if you have noticed). There were many database changes between our old ancient version (it was before rq switched around with sqlite/mysql/pgsql) so we didn't have a clear database migration plan.
File naming system.
Hi, please if possible revert back to old fine naming system:

ie: moe_imouto_org-p-117292628875943.jpg

The new one is not ordered (increases according to the post number).
Kinomoto-san said:
Hi, please if possible revert back to old fine naming system:

ie: moe_imouto_org-p-117292628875943.jpg

The new one is not ordered (increases according to the post number).
No please, leave it in hashes