Messy artist: Ikegami Akane
I put in aliases but then noticed there were aliases from one fo the 4 variants to one of those that needs to be aliased out, so I'm posting here so a mod can clean it up (or I could do it all manually, that's fine too)

Basically, amr, akane_makes_revolution and akane_ikegami should all alias to ikegami_akane. That's the artist's name (池上茜 = いけがみ あかね = ikegami akane). I'll start doing some manually but a mod will need to sort out the aliases.

Okay, all amr, akane_makes_revolution and akane_ikegami images are now tagged ikegami_akane and only ikegami_akane. Once the aliases are brought up to date, people will be able to search any of the above and still get this artist. And the name is unique enough that it won't cause ambiguity issues.
Sorry my fault for the mess, wasn't too sure how the artists and alias worked a while ago.
Thanks for taking care of the aliases