
landscape mugon

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i want that kind of fantasy and skill too QwQ~ ._.
Epicness indeed.
emo-cake said:
I want that kind of fantasy and skill too
I second this.
why ?There are some people talking in chinese?
lEIYONG1990 said:
why ?There are some people talking in chinese?
The population of our China is about 1/5 of the whole world,so please don't be such amazing^^
And to my surprise,you recognized our words,GJ~~~
Franccy said:
ftfhfly said:
please behave yourself
Excuse me......I'm curious to know that your words confront with whom?
wow, this is a wonderful pic, indeed!
maidigou said:
Excuse me......I'm curious to know that your words confront with whom?
I mean no insult by this at all, but i tottaly love your wording in the English language.
囧 There's more Asians than people realize. Soon we will permeate every corner of civilization! Muahaha!
sounds like the next reason for ww3
asians are not a minority on the internets
European people in here ´w`~~
not to mention north/south american take your pick am fine with either one
Atys said:
囧 There's more Asians than people realize. Soon we will permeate every corner of civilization! Muahaha!
People don't think Asians are a minority, look at China, more than a billion people if I recall correctly.
i think it more than that we passed 7 billion mark already cant wait till the war for the remaining resources beings and that will prove i was right about the future of humanity. Muahaha!
HopelessDreamer said:
i think it more than that we passed 7 billion mark already cant wait till the war for the remaining resources beings and that will prove i was right about the future of humanity. Muahaha!
yeah well, 2077. welcome to wasteland.
*goes through last 50 comments*
What is this I don't even.... ┐('~`;)┌
midzki said:
(lonely Japanese here...)
ナクナヨ (o・_・)ノ”(ノ_<。)
reminds me a bit of the game Aion. Split world setting with dark and light side and flying characters.
XRM said:
People don't think Asians are a minority, look at China, more than a billion people if I recall correctly.
Depends on where you are. I dare say most of the people around where I live probably think white people are the majority. There's not a lot of people with any kind of worldliness, basically their whole world is just one relatively small area of the US. \(--)/

And those of us who do have some worldliness, and have been out of the states... they just don't understand us. At best they tend to avoid us, at worst they make fun of us. (Seriously.) ☆⌒(>。≪) I know of at least one preacher locally that believes that anime/manga is the work of the devil. How you can lump all of anime/manga into one category like that is beyond me (that's kinda like saying all books & movies are work of the devil). ( ̄へ ̄)
Manabi said:
I know of at least one preacher locally that believes that anime/manga is the work of the devil.
Yeah, only about half of it is ;)
haha it funny because its true the question is which reglion (Christianity, protestants, Mormons, Islam, Jews, Etc.) really these guys are all the same except that they broke into different sect with different beliefs on their so called god.

Manabi said:
Depends on where you are. I dare say most of the people around where I live probably think white people are the majority. There's not a lot of people with any kind of worldliness, basically their whole world is just one relatively small area of the US. \(--)/

And those of us who do have some worldliness, and have been out of the states... they just don't understand us. At best they tend to avoid us, at worst they make fun of us.
In reality the white majority is now non existent their are now more ("other race other than white") races living in the U.S not to mention more births of other races than white white births
I can keep on going but that world take would be Social Problems and i bet no one is willing to take a 4 day Class explanation.

And no kidding but if you go to New York (the state not city) Or California you can find a vast diversity people and people but then again we have the largest population in California having the largest in the U.S and a long list of other reason

Am not even really addressing the issue on this i can go days on why the U.S theory of "Crumbling of America" is true
But i guess that only reasonable Seeing how my Thirst for Knowledge my favorite Classes in High School were

AP BIO, AP Chem, Physics AP U.S History, AP World History , AP American Government/ Economics, Social Problems/ Psychology, AP Calculus, English Honors 1-4
Even Education is different from state to states
I better shut up before someone says this is spam or something
But really the U.S is got to be one of the most dysfunctional Nation in the world
Cool Story, Bro.

By the by, what's up with that randomass statement about white religions when the topic was on Asians.
WtfCakes said:
Cool Story, Bro.

By the by, what's up with that randomass statement about white religions when the topic was on Asians.
Read above or rather start from the beginning
Ctrl+f "religion" got no results in the above posts.
you do realize that the 1.3 billion people everyone is talking about can't access this site? the chinese speakers here are most likely TW, HK and US
WtfCakes said:
Ctrl+f "religion" got no results in the above posts.
Try preacher, I mentioned that I have at least one locally who believes that anime/manga (all of it) is the work of the devil. Which is true.ヾ(´・ω・`) Although I didn't say whether said preacher was white, black, asian or a chartreuse plutonian. (The odds are kinda against it being the last one. (゜∇ ゜))
tktk123 said:
you do realize that the 1.3 billion people everyone is talking about can't access this site? the chinese speakers here are most likely TW, HK and US
can't access this site?!
中国大陆网民表示毫无压力 习惯在这里收图有几年了
WtfCakes said:
*goes through last 50 comments*
What is this I don't even.... ┐('~`;)┌
Hehe ^^;;

anyway it was a good picture indeed~ and an interesting planet too!
oh! again Chinese illustrator
it seems that more excellent Chinese illustrators are there in pixiv than i thought

though for exchange most people here use English
in fact i'm glad to see more people who can speak Chinese here speak Chinese

maidigou said:
And to my surprise,you recognized our words,GJ~~~

haqiuA said:
Manabi is from the south
hopeless dreamer is drunk

I know because I feel their pain!
now THIS is the mosts comments on a post...
How does gravity work on THIS planet??