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angel angel_beats! dress hirata_katsuzou tachibana_kanade wings

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I was so much waitin for this picture. It's the cover from an Angel Beats! artbook, isn't it?
Templa said:
I was so much waitin for this picture. It's the cover from an Angel Beats! artbook, isn't it?
It is Official Guidebook.
jamie1993 said:
It is Official Guidebook.
Same for me :p
Hello there anyone who takes notice. I'm currently in urge of find an artwork book that titled[卒業設定資料集], which basically is the setting (surrounding, drawing, background) of this magnificent piece of work. The book itself ain't expensive to purchase in Japan, anyways please who's with it could really need a great scan of the graphics, or some one knows if there's one torrent somewhere. Thanks a lot!
wifierp said:
Try to find it on EH?