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For me the sample of amazon is inaccurate. (Not to say this one is accurate, but amazon's sample images sometimes indeed have color issue)
fireattack said:
For me the sample of amazon is inaccurate. (Not to say this one is accurate, but amazon's sample images sometimes indeed have color issue)
Yeah, was simply saying that this one was too yellow...didn't say anything about Amazon's. :P
...I think the sample is more yellowish?
What if I said this post looks more lime-colored? Nowhere near normal skin tone anyways.
WtfCakes said:
What if I said this post looks more lime-colored? Nowhere near normal skin tone anyways.
Normal skin tone?
How many skin tones do you think exist today?
Are you mad at me for some reason?
WtfCakes said:
Are you mad at me for some reason?
Ha Ha Ha!
Love that facial expression...