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Ryoran no sakura (A Profusion of Cherry Blossom)
How do you do, my name is Mitha and I am an illustrator. ‘Japan’ is the theme for this event so I have chosen cherry blossom for my main motif as this is the closest thing to hand that makes me think of Japan. The characters are ‘high school girl detectives who work for the fox shrine maiden’. I have used warm colors throughout to create a colorful, spring like atmosphere. I hope you like it.
Ryoran no sakura (A Profusion of Cherry Blossom)
How do you do, my name is Mitha and I am an illustrator. ‘Japan’ is the theme for this event so I have chosen cherry blossom for my main motif as this is the closest thing to hand that makes me think of Japan. The characters are ‘high school girl detectives who work for the fox shrine maiden’. I have used warm colors throughout to create a colorful, spring like atmosphere. I hope you like it.

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