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Misakura Nankotsu
Keiryu no Ninja Girl {Ninja Girl of the Mountain Streams)
My name is Misakura Nankotsu, I am a new artist. Please forgive me for being charismatic.
I have drawn a ninja girl, rushing over the surface of the water.
If you ask me why she does not use sex appeal as a weapon, it is because I have to practice self-control, or the picture will be erased altogether. You see?
The red tattoo on her chest reads, ‘human love’.
You can understand that without any explanation, ‘human love!!’
Misakura Nankotsu
Keiryu no Ninja Girl {Ninja Girl of the Mountain Streams)
My name is Misakura Nankotsu, I am a new artist. Please forgive me for being charismatic.
I have drawn a ninja girl, rushing over the surface of the water.
If you ask me why she does not use sex appeal as a weapon, it is because I have to practice self-control, or the picture will be erased altogether. You see?
The red tattoo on her chest reads, ‘human love’.
You can understand that without any explanation, ‘human love!!’

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