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cap da_capo_(series) da_capo_iii tanihara_natsuki wallpaper yoshino_sakura

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I think she's the eternal loli aka yoshino_sakura
I have a Yoshino Sakura planted in my yard - it's actually a breed of tree
bakaneko said:
I have a Yoshino Sakura planted in my yard - it's actually a breed of tree
sakura tree ......
Yoshino trees are pretty iconic sakura trees.
WtfCakes said:
Yoshino trees are pretty iconic sakura trees.
I thought you're dead!
fireattack said:
I thought you're dead!
oh...i finally understand what WtfCake said in forum
Ship-parenting is a full time job yo! \o/
...I should get towards editing the 10 doujins I've already scanned.