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« Previous Next » This post is #5 in the Nyantype #66 2015-05 pool.
almost 10 years agoTheUnspoken
almost 10 years agoYou know very well who she is.
almost 10 years ago+ I know who is her > ...
But I don't know who is this new 'boy'.
almost 10 years agoDon't be scared now.
Take a deep breath.
It's a girl. It's Yuki. It's her "new" design for that show.
(ARGH! Keyboard errors!)
almost 10 years agovier2ni
almost 10 years agoblooregardo
almost 10 years agotck77
almost 10 years agoNetwizard2003
almost 10 years agoTrit
almost 10 years ago