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« Previous Next » This post is #5 in the Nyantype #66 2015-05 pool.

cleavage gym_uniform megane nagato_yuki nagato_yuki-chan_no_shoushitsu suzumiya_haruhi

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Who is the boy with purple hair?. (?)
Anemone said:
Are you asking for a fight?
You know very well who she is.
TheUnspoken said:
Are you asking for a fight?
Oh no, I'm so scared now.

+ I know who is her > ...
But I don't know who is this new 'boy'.
Anemone said:
Oh no, I'm so scared now.

+ I know who is her > ...
But I don't know who is this new 'boy'.
Don't be scared now.
Take a deep breath.
It's a girl. It's Yuki. It's her "new" design for that show.

(ARGH! Keyboard errors!)
I'm just going to be happy to have a long-haired Haruhi for a whole season.
I wonder why're everyone hates Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu...
it's too different of the usual Nagato and they can't handle change.
I like this Yuki, the old one was an Ayanami clone
since when did haruhi have tits that big ???
Netwizard2003 said:
since when did haruhi have tits that big ???
Since the beginning: she always had quite big breasts (sailor fukus tend to minimize cup size). See post #630 and post #24992, for example.