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alpaca_suri american_beaver animal_ears axis-jika_(kemono_friends) brown_bear_(kemono_friends) campo_fliker common_raccoon crested_ibis emperor_penguin eurasian_eagle_owl ezo_red_fox fennec_(kemono_friends) gentoo_penguin golden_snub-nosed_monkey grey_wolf hawk_(kemono_friends) headphones heterochromia hippopotamas_(kemono_friends) humboldt_penguin jaguar_(kemono_friends) kaban_(kemono_friends) kanzakietc kemono_friends leotard lion_(kemono_friends) lucky_beast margay_(kemono_friends) megane moose_(kemono_friends) northern_white-faced_owl open_shirt pantyhose reticulated_giraffe rockhopper_penguin royal_penguin sand_cat serval shoebill silver_fox small-clawed_otter tail thighhighs tsuchinoko_(kemono_friends) weapon wings

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Starts off cold because of weird CGI animation but it gets pretty interesting later.
It's different but good. After a few episodes even the weird CGI animation started to have its charm for me.
I guess i'll give it a try.