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akiyama_mio k-on! transparent_png vector_trace

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a quick mio trace that i did today while waiting for something, i'm not too happy with the blend, but well, posted anyway
omg! you are amazing
what software you do use ??
can you share the svg file??
i use adobe illustrator CS4 and sorry, but i don't like to share my original files (.ai in this case)
weird resolution

hair also sucks, needs to be double traced or different mode
MDGeist said:
weird resolution

hair also sucks, needs to be double traced or different mode
can you say 'screenshot'? -_-;
neither pal nor ntsc have 2307x1296 as format
theres no monitor with that weird res, either

since its a vector from a tv-cap, at least resize it to wallpaper resolutions. Like multiples of 1080p or something

you´d also way easier spot your mistakes if resized up to 10mpixel+ !