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フレッシュプリキュア! (Fresh Precure!)
akiyama_mio animal_ears cosplay crossover dress_shirt ha-ru hirasawa_yui k-on! kotobuki_tsumugi nakano_azusa nekomimi pantsu precure seifuku shimapan strike_witches tail tainaka_ritsu tengen_toppa_gurren_lagann vocaloid yamanaka_sawako

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All the moe icons of 2005~2008, gathered in a spot.
What is MY Tsumugi cosplaying?
Radiosity said:
Pretty cure I'd assume.
Oh, one show I haven't seen (yet).
- -
Does anyone know exactly what Azusa is cosplaying?
Francesca Lucchini from Strike Witches.
Does anyone know what the note one is cosplaying too? (I don't know her name because I didn't watch k-on! ;_;)
fireattack said:
Does anyone know what the note one is cosplaying too? (I don't know her name because I didn't watch k-on! ;_;)
go watch it, it only has 13 eps, but it was really funny and good, oh moe and cute too ;)
Mugi-chan is cosplaying Love Momozono (Cure Peach) from Pretty Cure. A Magical Girl Anime that have a lot of seasons. By the way... What is cosplaying Yui-chan? I can't remember.
Mio is Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
nachoman1974 said:
Why is she crying?
World hunger.
白色天际 said:
辛喵 赛高
Xin Miaosai is high?
Squareomatic said:
Xin Miaosai is high?
No,he said "All High Azunyan"
StayCold said:
where's the haruhi tag?
one could also ask where the Evangelion Tag is...