Date Nov 11 User charunetra Rating Questionable Score 22
The difference between the size of her head and her breasts is quite noticeable...
firef said:
AI generated
This version here may not be AI-generated, but since the Pixiv user isn't the original "author" (but just a copycat), plus it's a derivative work of an AI-generated work, it still can't stay here.
@Reverseshin: Before you create a character tag, please figure out the correct name of the character and the correct order of the name.
Why Slam Dunk's railway crossing (or its lookalike)😂?
Detexted versions released by the original artist should be the parent
That looks...criminally tight...
I so wish for a remake of this :C
這張是發售前的第一版,怎麼會是artist_revision ?