Pose reference for artists
Huge reference for photographers and others from Female Anatomy for Artist.

10.24 GB:

52.48 GB:

Also you may be interested in another project from the same vendor - 3D.SK.

Women Part1 (21.58 GB):

Women Part2 (14.75 GB):

The Ultimate Visual Reference Series for Drawing the Human Figure. 3d Modeling Image References (Nude and Dressed references) (4.16 GB):
Aradois said:
You should check the links. They are not correct I would say
All of them are very correct and allow connect with very fast seeds :D

But you probably want to say that you don't know how to operate with them, I guess? So ask. Just copy-paste to your BitTorrent client ;)
Yeah, they are magnet links, anyway, there is a thread for sharing drawing resources. You could also join the corresponding discord server.
blooregardo said:
anyway, there is a thread for sharing drawing resources.
Yep. But there are tones of poses, you can draw, paint, sculpt, photograph or just watch ;)

blooregardo said:
You could also join the corresponding discord server.
Which one?