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255439 3177.2 有葉 alpha ホタルの里 Hotaru no sato (Home of the Fireflies) 初めまして、有葉(あるふぁ)と申します。 初めて「絵師100人展」に参加させて頂きました。 私の一景はホタルをモチーフにしました。 というのも、私の地元にもホタルの名所がありまして、少し山に入った所にものすごい数のホタルが見れる場所があリます。 それも10年前くらいの話で、最近はどんどんホタルが減ってきているらしい です……。 川が綺麗になって、もっとホタルが増えるといいなという気持ちをイラストに込めました。 私のイラストを見て頂いてありがとうこ'ざいました! How do you do? My name is alpha. This is the first time that I have taken part in the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition. For my illustration, I have chosen an image of fireflies. The reason for this is that the place where I was brought up was famous for its fireflies and if you went a little way into the mountains, there was a spot where you could see a huge number of fireflies. However, that was 10 years ago and recently their numbers appear to have decreased... As I drew this illustration, I did so in the hope that the river would become cleaner and the fireflies come back again. Thank you for looking at my picture! WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255485 3274.1 有馬啓太郎 keitaro arima 負けない Makenai (Never Give UP) 昨年10月、仙台を起点にして東日本大震災の被災地を訪れて来ました。¶描いた船は津波で気仙沼市の内陸部にうちあげられていた大型漁船です。¶今回の作品は描くか否か本当に悩みました。 こういうメッセージ性の高い作品も、こういった背景を描く為に親和性のある絵柄で描くことも実は初めてです。 おかげで先に写真を見ながら描いた背景に人物が合わなくて非常に苦労させられました。完成度もまだまだであるとは思います。 でも、忘れてはいけないことを描けました。チャンスを下さった皆さん、本当にあリがとうございます。 Last October, I based myself in Sendai and traveled around the area that was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The ship in this picture is a large fishing boat that was washed up into the middle of Kesennuma City by the tsunami. I found it very difficult to decide whether or not to draw this picture. Actually it is the first time that I have ever created a picture with a strong message like this, or one in which I have placed a subject towards which I have an affinity against a realistic background in this way. As a result, I had a lot of trouble trying to get the background, which I drew from a photograph, to match the figure of the girl. I still think that the level of finish leaves a lotto be desired. However, I drew something that we must never forget. I would like to thank everybody who provided me with the opportunity to do this. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255484 3176.2 aokiume 海辺 Umibe (The Beach) 島国日本をぐるりと囲む海と、黒い髪を描きたいと思いこのような絵になリました。 彼女が笑顔を向けている相手からの「一景」という設定で描いてみましたので、彼女の想いまで想像してみていただけたら嬉しいです。 Being an island nation, Japan is surrounded by the sea; I wanted to draw a picture of a girl with black hair by the sea and this is how it turned out. I drew this ‘scene’ from the viewpoint of the person she is smiling at and I hope that you try to imagine what she is thinking.   赤リんご Akaringo ごみ捨て場の鴉たち Gomisuteba no karasutachi (Crows on the Trash Heap) 今回のテーマ「日本の一景」を描くにあたり、メインモチーフをゴミ捨て場の力ラスとタバコを吸うメイドさんのどちらにするかで最後まで迷いました。¶普段からパンやパスタを食べている私は、現代の日本人が着る和服は一部の例外を除きコスプレだと思っています。 自分の中で「和」と「日本」の間にはもはや決定的な隔絶があり、「日本の一景」という文脈を素直に表現するのであればその中心に位置するのは「和」ではなく、深夜のコンビニに上下スウエツ卜で赴いてヴィトンの財布を出すような、品格を語るのに決定的な何かが欠けている「無節操さ」そして「文化の飽和」ではないかと考えています。 そして、僕は日本のそういう所が大好きです。ビューティフルではなぐファニー。 When I came to draw an illustration on the theme for this exhibition, a ‘Japanese scene’, I could not make up my mind until the last minute whether to use a trash heap or a ‘maid’ smoking a cigarette as the main motif. As somebody who generally eats bread or pasta, I think that with a few exceptions, when contemporary Japanese people wear kimono they do so merely as a form of cosplay. For me, the concept of ‘Japanese’ or ‘Japan’ is completely irrelevant to my daily life, if I were to conform to the context of a ‘Japanese Scene’, the central motif would not be one of traditional Japan, rather it would focus on the ‘unscrupulousness’ and ‘cultural saturation’ that is crucially lacking in dignity, as personified by a person who visits a convenience store in the middle of night, wearing a sweat suit and carrying a Louis Vuitton purse. I love that kind of Japan. It’s not beautiful but it is funny.   あなぽん anapon 夜桜少女 Yozakura Shojo (Girl of the Night Cherry Blossom) はじめまして、あなぽんと申します。 日本の風景ということで、最近あまり見に行けていませんが、夜の桜を描いてみました。 How do you do? My name is anapon. As the theme is a Japanese scene, I drew cherry blossom at night, although I have not been to see any of these recently.   文倉十 jyuu ayakura また、あした Mata ashita (See You Tomorrow) 日常の一景をテ一マに描かせて頂こうと思い、ふと浮かんだものが「学校からの帰り道」でした。 自分にとってのこういう日常はもう、少し遠いものになってしまいましたが…。¶未来に残っていくといいなあと思う日本の情景だと思います。 I thought I would use an everyday scene as my theme and the motif that sprang to mind was that of ‘the way home from school’. This everyday routine has become a distant memory to me now... I hope that this kind of Japanese scene will continue to exist in the future. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255438 3175.2 あなぽん anapon 夜桜少女 Yozakura Shojo (Girl of the Night Cherry Blossom) はじめまして、あなぽんと申します。 日本の風景ということで、最近あまり見に行けていませんが、夜の桜を描いてみました。 How do you do? My name is anapon. As the theme is a Japanese scene, I drew cherry blossom at night, although I have not been to see any of these recently. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255483 3174.2 赤リんご Akaringo ごみ捨て場の鴉たち Gomisuteba no karasutachi (Crows on the Trash Heap) 今回のテーマ「日本の一景」を描くにあたり、メインモチーフをゴミ捨て場の力ラスとタバコを吸うメイドさんのどちらにするかで最後まで迷いました。¶普段からパンやパスタを食べている私は、現代の日本人が着る和服は一部の例外を除きコスプレだと思っています。 自分の中で「和」と「日本」の間にはもはや決定的な隔絶があり、「日本の一景」という文脈を素直に表現するのであればその中心に位置するのは「和」ではなく、深夜のコンビニに上下スウエツ卜で赴いてヴィトンの財布を出すような、品格を語るのに決定的な何かが欠けている「無節操さ」そして「文化の飽和」ではないかと考えています。 そして、僕は日本のそういう所が大好きです。ビューティフルではなぐファニー。 When I came to draw an illustration on the theme for this exhibition, a ‘Japanese scene’, I could not make up my mind until the last minute whether to use a trash heap or a ‘maid’ smoking a cigarette as the main motif. As somebody who generally eats bread or pasta, I think that with a few exceptions, when contemporary Japanese people wear kimono they do so merely as a form of cosplay. For me, the concept of ‘Japanese’ or ‘Japan’ is completely irrelevant to my daily life, if I were to conform to the context of a ‘Japanese Scene’, the central motif would not be one of traditional Japan, rather it would focus on the ‘unscrupulousness’ and ‘cultural saturation’ that is crucially lacking in dignity, as personified by a person who visits a convenience store in the middle of night, wearing a sweat suit and carrying a Louis Vuitton purse. I love that kind of Japan. It’s not beautiful but it is funny. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255437 3173.4 蒼樹うめ aokiume 海辺 Umibe (The Beach) 島国日本をぐるりと囲む海と、黒い髪を描きたいと思いこのような絵になリました。 彼女が笑顔を向けている相手からの「一景」という設定で描いてみましたので、彼女の想いまで想像してみていただけたら嬉しいです。 Being an island nation, Japan is surrounded by the sea; I wanted to draw a picture of a girl with black hair by the sea and this is how it turned out. I drew this ‘scene’ from the viewpoint of the person she is smiling at and I hope that you try to imagine what she is thinking. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255542 3270.3 るろお ruroo 5800288 06/21/13 Revert
255542 3270.2 るろお ruroo (deleted) 5800288 06/21/13 Revert
256804 3273.2 "The Moon..." I raise my head and look up into the sky. Through the Lagrange Point I see the Earth. Bathing in the moon light, I can feel the pulse of the Krypton Stone. It's a full moon night. I get off the bed in a hurry and run to the window. Clank! Something dropped near my feet with a solid sound. "This is...Mom's sword." An ElanBlade now in the size of a cutter knife. I brought it all the way from the other world. The most importing inheritance from my mother. "ElanBlade, my honey~~~" As I whispered, the cutter size sword turned into a full size shining light blade. Even in the other world it listens to my voice. (and so!) I open the window, and hold up the huge Krypton Stone to the sky. 23yAyuMe 06/21/13 Revert
256804 3273.1 "The Moon..." I raise my head and look up into the sky. Through the Lagrange Point I see the Earth. Bathing in the moon light, I can feel the pulse of the Krypton Stone. It's a full moon night. I get off the bed in a hurry and run to the window. Clank! Something dropped near my feet with a solid sound. This is...Mom's sword. An ElanBlade now in the size of a cutter knife. I brought it all the way from the other world. The most importing inheritance from my mother. "ElanBlade, my honey~~~" As I whispered, the cutter size sword turned into a full size shining light blade. Even in the other world it listens to my voice. (and so!) I open the window, and hold up the huge Krypton Stone to the sky. 23yAyuMe 06/21/13 Revert
255464 3229.3 てぃんくる tinkle 胡蝶の夢 (deleted) TheObserver020 06/19/13 Revert
255498 3199.2 空中幼彩 kuuchuu yousai 06/17/13 Revert
255464 3229.2 てぃんくる tinkle 胡蝶の夢 hilo1993 06/16/13 Revert
210564 3109.3 中央東口 Chuuou Higashiguchi 東京沖肉裏 Tokyo-oki Nikuura (The Great Wave of Flesh) 日本のサブカルチャーにおけるアンダーグラウンドな面を強調してみました。暴力的で扇情的、嗜好の多様性に基づく這い寄る混;Iそれらを中二病•セ一ラ一服少女、触手に絡めています。嘘です。同時に海外に於いて評価を得るに到ったカルチャ一も籠めています。春画を含む浮世絵•漫画•アニメ、様々な分野の一部分をアイコニックに配置し、それらに対する深い敬意を嘘です。他にもHENTAIを忘れてはいけません。海外での影響力たるや嘘です。要素としては割りと事実だったリもしますが、文章としてはまぁ嘘です。基本的には刹那的快楽とカオスのために様々な分野から色々なものをぶち込んだ物です。が、その快楽に血道をあげる者、それを評価できる者、そのコミュニティが多岐にわたるジャンルで成立しているのが曰本という国の強みだと感じます。嘘です。ちなみに少女の目は浮世絵への才マージュです。これは本当。 I wanted to stress one facet of Japanese underground subculture. It is a violent, sensational chaos, based on the diversified tastes that are creeping up. Low-teen syndrome a girl in a sailor uniform and a tentacle-like object are entangled in these. That's a lie. It also incorporates the culture that has become popular overseas. Woodblock prints (including pornography), manga, and anime; a section of various genres has been laid out in an iconic fashion and this was made in homage to them; no, that's a lie. We must not forget the HENTAI either. That is an influential factor overseas; no it's a lie. Elements of it are quite true, but put in writing, well, it is a lie. Basically, I have collected various motifs of momentary ecstasy and chaos and mixed them all in together. People who become obsessed with ecstasy, people who admire this; it is the diversity of this community, over a variety of genres, that is one of the national strengths of Japan. That is a lie. The girl's eyes were drawn in homage to woodblock prints. That is the truth. bbj199 06/16/13 Revert
256930 3165.3 maou sadao (deleted) StahnAileron 06/15/13 Revert
256930 3168.4 kamazuki suzuno (deleted) 23yAyuMe 06/15/13 Revert
256930 3168.3 kamazuki suzuno 23yAyuMe 06/15/13 Revert
256930 3171.4 kyoujin (deleted) 23yAyuMe 06/15/13 Revert
256930 3171.3 kyoujin (deleted) 23yAyuMe 06/15/13 Revert
256930 3170.2 ashiya shirou (deleted) 23yAyuMe 06/15/13 Revert
256930 3169.2 urushihara hanzou (deleted) 23yAyuMe 06/15/13 Revert
256930 3167.2 sasaki chiho (deleted) 23yAyuMe 06/15/13 Revert
256930 3166.2 yusa emi (deleted) 23yAyuMe 06/15/13 Revert
255898 3005.3 鈴平ひろ HIRO.SUZUHIRA 降リ注ぐもの Furi sosogu mono (Falling Things) 四季を通して日本で降リ注ぐものを詰め込みました。本当は梅雨の雨もどこかに入れられたら良かったんですが…。 そしてモチーフの形の変化のさせやすさから夏は花火、冬は雪、春は桜、秋は紅葉と実際の春夏秋冬とは順序が変わってしまいました。とにかく四季を全部入れたかったという気持ちが先行したように思います。欲張リなのでどれか1つには絞れませんでした(笑) 日本の四季の表情豊かなところが少しでも伝わるといいなあ。 I have included all the things that fall on Japan through the four seasons. I only wish I had been able to include the rain that falls during the rainy season... In order to make it easier to meld from one motif to the next, I started with the fireworks of summer, then the snow of winter, the petals of the cherry blossom in spring and finally the red maple leaves of autumn, instead of using the proper order of spring summer, autumn and winter. I think that the important thing for me was to make sure all four seasons were included. I tend to be greedy and could not bring myself to focus on just one season (laughs) and I hope that I have succeeded in portraying the rich expression of Japan’s four seasons even a little bit. Kiriake 06/15/13 Revert
255898 3005.2 鈴平ひろ HIRO.SUZUHIRA 降リ注ぐもの Furi sosogu mono (Falling Things) 四季を通して日本で降リ注ぐものを詰め込みました。本当は梅雨の雨もどこかに入れられたら良かったんですが…。 そしてモチーフの形の変化のさせやすさから夏は花火、冬は雪、春は桜、秋は紅葉と実際の春夏秋冬とは順序が変わってしまいました。とにかく四季を全部入れたかったという気持ちが先行したように思います。欲張リなのでどれか1つには絞れませんでした(笑) 日本の四季の表情豊かなところが少しでも伝わるといいなあ。 I have included all the things that fall on Japan through the four seasons. I only wish I had been able to include the rain that falls during the rainy season... In order to make it easier to meld from one motif to the next, I started with the fireworks of summer, then the snow of winter, the petals of the cherry blossom in spring and finally the red maple leaves of autumn, instead of using the proper order of spring summer, autumn and winter. I think that the important thing for me was to make sure all four seasons were included. I tend to be greedy and could not bring myself to focus on just one season (laughs) and I hope that I have succeeded in portraying the rich expression of Japan’s four seasons even a little bit. Kiriake 06/15/13 Revert