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222973 3155.1 Mario blargityish 06/08/13 Revert
222973 3154.1 Wario blargityish 06/08/13 Revert
222973 3153.2 Link blargityish 06/08/13 Revert
222973 3153.1 Link blargityish 06/08/13 Revert
255959 2963.2 江草天仁 Takahito Exa 春夏秋冬、晴れ Shunkashuto - hare (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter — Sunny) 私の育った長野県では四季がとても顕著に現れ、それぞれの季節の美しさを強く感じることができました。 春の雪解け後の野花、夏の湖や花、木々の緑、秋の山に広がる紅葉、冬の降り積もった雪と青い空。 記憶の中にある、晴れの曰の輝く四季を4人の女神に見立て描かせていただきました。 In Nagano Prefecture, where I was brought up, the four season are clearly defined, and it is possible to be strongly moved by the beauty that each of them possess. In spring there are the wild flowers that appear after the melting of the snow, in summer there is the view of the lake, the flowers and greenery, in fall the changing color of the leaves turn the mountains red, while in winter there is snow and blue skies. I have chosen to depict my memories of sunny days during each, representing them by the four goddesses of the seasons. 丶邪君 06/07/13 Revert
255986 3007.3 瀬之本久史 Hisashi Senomoto 別離•出立•举の雪 Betsuri - Shuttatsu - Hana no yuki (Parting - Setting Out - Petals Falling Like Snow) 春は色んな人達が分岐点に立つ季節として大好きです。様々な場所で大なリ小なリドラマが生まれる時期だと感じているからです。今回のイラストは、1人の女の子がちっちゃい体のありったけの勇気を出して旅立つ様を描きました。背景は熊本人吉の大畑駅をモチーフにしました。実母が就職当時、宮崎から熊本へ半日蒸気機関車で揺られながら移動した際に立ち寄った駅で、桜の木が印象深かったと話していました。 I love spring, as it is the season that stands at a turning point in the lives of various people. I feel it is a time when dramas, large and small, occur in all kinds of places. In this year’s illustration I have portrayed a girl who has summoned up all the courage she possesses in her tiny body to set off on a trip. For the background I have used ‘Okoba’ station in Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture. When my mother left home to get a job, she traveled by steam train for half a day from Miyazaki to Kumamoto and this was the station where she paused for a rest. She says that the cherry blossom there made a strong impression on her. zhen6321 06/07/13 Revert
255986 3007.2 瀬之本久史 Hisashi Senomoto 別離•出立•举の雪 Betsuri - Shuttatsu - Hana no yuki (Parting - Setting Out - Petals Falling Like Snow) 春は色んな人達が分岐点に立つ季節として大好きです。様々な場所で大なリ小なリドラマが生まれる時期だと感じているからです。今回のイラストは、1人の女の子がちっちゃい体のありったけの勇気を出して旅立つ様を描きました。背景は熊本人吉の大畑駅をモチーフにしました。実母が就職当時、宮崎から熊本へ半日蒸気機関車で揺られながら移動した際に立ち寄った駅で、桜の木が印象深かったと話していました。 I love spring, as it is the season that stands at a turning point in the lives of various people. I feel it is a time when dramas, large and small, occur in all kinds of places. In this year’s illustration I have portrayed a girl who has summoned up all the courage she possesses in her tiny body to set off on a trip. For the background I have used ‘Okoba’ station in Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture. When my mother left home to get a job, she traveled by steam train for half a day from Miyazaki to Kumamoto and this was the station where she paused for a rest. She says that the cherry blossom there made a strong impression on her. zhen6321 06/07/13 Revert
256531 3152.1 Kugimiya Kei(Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince) 23yAyuMe 06/07/13 Revert
255981 3000.2 Gユウスケ G Yusuke 海中登校 Kaichu toko (Underwater School Commute) テ一マが四季ということで、夏の海中の風景?です。 今回「青」の色彩に挑戦したぐあたってくだけろ〜の掛け声と共に見事、頭部粉砕。 返り討ちにあった気分です。いや、良い経験でした。 海の中の登校風景という「びっしょり絵」になりましたが楽しんでいただければ幸いです。 The theme is ‘the four seasons’ so this is a summer underwater landscape(?) For this work I tried working in blue, I charged headlong into it with a cry and ended up smashing my head. I feel as if I had the tables turned on me. It was a good experience. This view of going to school underwater ended up as a kind of bisshori (drenched) picture but I hope you enjoy it. Tenh 06/07/13 Revert
256531 3151.1 Azuki Azusa (Hentai Ouji to Wakaranai Neko) animeprincess 06/06/13 Revert
256531 3150.1 Rukino Saki (Kakumeiki Valrave) animeprincess 06/06/13 Revert
256531 3149.1 Yusa Emi (Hataraku Maou-sama!) animeprincess 06/06/13 Revert
256531 3148.1 Kuuko (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) animeprincess 06/06/13 Revert
256531 3147.1 Suzuhara Izumiko (Red Data Girl) animeprincess 06/06/13 Revert
256531 3146.1 Shirai Kuroko (To aru Kagaku no Railgun) animeprincess 06/06/13 Revert
256531 3145.1 Saaya (Suisei no Gargantia) animeprincess 06/06/13 Revert
255906 3030.3 フミオ Fumio 赤青黄色い秋と少女 Aka ao kiiroi aki to shojo (Red, Blue and Yellow Autumn and Girl) 秋といえば、紅葉や夕焼けの赤と黄色のイメージだったのですが、もう少しカラフルな秋を描いてみようと思いました。 When we think of autumn, imagine red leaves, red sunsets and yellow, but I thought I would make autumn a bit more colorful. taky 06/06/13 Revert
255906 3030.2 フミ才 Fumio 赤青黄色い秋と少女 Aka ao kiiroi aki to shojo (Red, Blue and Yellow Autumn and Girl) 秋といえば、紅葉や夕焼けの赤と黄色のイメージだったのですが、もう少しカラフルな秋を描いてみようと思いました。 When we think of autumn, imagine red leaves, red sunsets and yellow, but I thought I would make autumn a bit more colorful. taky 06/06/13 Revert
247889 3144.1 The summer spent with Kud is beginnning. Domiro 06/06/13 Revert
255965 2971.2 介錯 KAISHAKU 桜前線北上中 Sakurazensen hokujyochu (The Cherry-blossom Front is Moving North) 日本の四季といえばどの季節も素晴らしく好きですが折角なので前回と同じキャラで「春」を描いてみました。 春というだけで気持ちがウキウキ、ハッピーになリます。世界中を楽しい桜色に染め上げてくれれば皆穏やかに、幸せになるんじやないかな。 When I think of Japan’s four seasons, I like them all as they are all wonderful, but I have taken this opportunity to use the same character as last year to illustrate ‘spring’. The sound of the word ‘spring’ is enough to make us feel excited and happy. If it were possible to color the whole world with cherry blossom, then I think everybody would become calm and happy. makoto_niwa 06/05/13 Revert
256376 3143.2 Sengoku Nadeko Monogatari Series 23yAyuMe 06/03/13 Revert
256376 3143.1 Sengoku Nadeko Monogatari Series 23yAyuMe 06/03/13 Revert
256376 3137.2 Gokou Ruri Ore no imouto ga konnani kawaii wake ga nai eridani 06/03/13 Revert
256376 3135.2 Shiomiya Shiori Kami nomi zo shiru sekai eridani 06/03/13 Revert
256376 3142.2 Shinomiya Ayase Guilty crown eridani 06/03/13 Revert