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amakusa_juuza asmodeus beatrice beelzebub belphegor cornelia dlanor_a_knox eva_beatrice frederica_bernkastel furudo_erika gaap gertrude gohda_toshiro kanon_(umineko) lambdadelta leviathan lucifer mammon ronove satan shannon siesta_00 siesta_410 siesta_45 siesta_556 uka_(color_noise) umineko_no_naku_koro_ni ushiromiya_ange ushiromiya_battler ushiromiya_eva ushiromiya_george ushiromiya_jessica ushiromiya_kinzo ushiromiya_krauss ushiromiya_kyrie ushiromiya_maria ushiromiya_natsuhi ushiromiya_rosa ushiromiya_rudolf virgilia

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I thought battler and beato were enemy's, What happened? 0_o
Seventyxxtimes7x said:
I thought battler and beato were enemy's, What happened? 0_o
love works in mysterious and sometimes scary ways... didn't finish the series tho :/
Azazel said:
love works in mysterious and sometimes scary ways... didn't finish the series tho :/
I finished it like 2 days ago, Its pretty awesome....
The only bad thing about this show is that is doesn't make a whole lot of sense mainly cause the second season isnt even out yet. And it leaves off in a cliff hanger. -_-