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gun kino_(kino_no_tabi) kino_no_tabi kuroboshi_kouhaku

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HOt... a shame she turned into a tomboy...
SyaoranLi said:
HOt... a shame she turned into a tomboy...
Being a tomboy is what makes her hot ^_^
Please don't respond to comments from 2 years ago.
Isn't the "rule" generally comments over 3 months?
HaruhiSuzumiya said:
Isn't the "rule" generally comments over 3 months?
More of an 'guideline'
Noone replay to a guy from 2 years ago in real life..
midzki said:
Noone replay to a guy from 2 years ago in real life..
It's kinda like going back in time with the internet, but you can't erase the things you've seen on the web T... That you want unseen... -{shudders from own memory of the nastiest picture ever seen}- Q~Q
NeroGiovanni said:
[...] but you can't erase the things you've seen on the web T... That you want unseen... -{shudders from own memory of the nastiest picture ever seen}- Q~Q
Like what?! OMG! OnO That pic it's not in Moe Imouto.... isn't it?? T_T
Wow,and I thought she was a boy.