
« Previous Next » This post is #21 in the Megami #115 2009-12 pool.

beatrice frederica_bernkastel lambdadelta pantsu sadakata_kikuko tail thighhighs umineko_no_naku_koro_ni

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This image needs some editing a la post #83499!
spoiler.....Ugh...she would look so much better without the dead eyes. Body's good but those eyes.........

Wonder how the game would end ...and who will win? Don't tell me of course.


Huh? Didn't know that was a spoiler...but how is it? PM someone?
Haven't tried Umineko because I heard the anime is far from being as good as the original Higurashi TV series, focusing too much on moe and not enough in the plot itself.

Oh and what's loli Takano doing here
Loli Takano? I was thinking her as that bitch Satako (Yeah - I don't like her at all.) That could also fit though.

I think I understand why it is marked as a spoiler...but I wouldn't mind being reassured.

If anyone think my 1st post is isn't. I think the Mods / Admin have the power to edit the user's message in case of.....I gonna call it "mistakes". I KNOW I didn't mark that as that's my assumption...unless SOMEHOW Moe has an automatic spoiler system...which would be really interesting.

Nice change of avatar kyoushiro...unexpected though...beautiful Kotomi.
Kotomi doesn't like you. She says you're a bully D:<

She'll destroy your ears with her DEATH TRIP SERENATE.

So, uh... comments on Umineko anime?
VorpalNeko said:
I marked it as a spoiler.
Aha! My assumption was right! Somehow I made the mistake of revealing something I'm not really knowing of. Yeah uh...thanks Speedy-Neko.

kyoushiro said:
Kotomi doesn't like you. She says you're a bully D:<

She'll destroy your ears with her DEATH TRIP SERENATE.

So, uh... comments on Umineko anime?
Oh come on! ARGH! WHY is SHE your target!? DAMN! I have one annoying rival at my hands. This isn't good.

Anyway Umineko isn't as THAT bad as others say. I did get confused just like I did with Higurashi....until I watched more episodes and understand more.

Well that is just me. I do remember you didn't like Rei right? You may want to avoid Umineko...or give it some chance..or forget it exists...Stingy-shiro.
I didn't like the horrible way Rei ended (the last Rena chapter I liked, because it was just a bunch of lulz). Such an abrupt ending for a nice series like Higurashi... UGH.
kyoushiro said:
I didn't like the horrible way Rei ended (the last Rena chapter I liked, because it was just a bunch of lulz). Such an abrupt ending for a nice series like Higurashi... UGH.
Oh~ I understand what you mean. That was hard to digest for me.

That last episode was fun.

I wanted more Higurashi...but that won't happen.
kyoushiro said:
Oh and what's loli Takano doing here
Loli Takano???!!!!
That's LambdaDelta, derp....
It's incredible.

2 slower people than me in 1 single day.
Looking kinda QUALITY there, Lambda.