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air fumio kaginado seifuku skirt_lift toono_minagi

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That dress reminds me of Air (visual novel / anime by Key) :O
(Reference )
Marona762 said:
That dress reminds me of Air (visual novel / anime by Key) :O
Because it is.
Oh, there wasn't any tag when I commented ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(And I didn't recognize the character since the hair color is wrong)
Marona762 said:
Oh, there wasn't any tag when I commented ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(And I didn't recognize the character since the hair color is wrong)
1. I know: I added them yesterday. But this uniform is recognizable among a thousand even without them.

2. Because, for once, it is not Misuzu Kamio.
1. I know: I added them yesterday. But this uniform is recognizable among a thousand even without them.
That's very, very subjective; there are countless other similar anime schoolgirl uniforms nothing is really unique anymore, it could have been a similar one

2. Because, for once, it is not Misuzu Kamio.
When I said the hair color is wrong I meant it's not Toono Minagi's hair color